OCSL Spring 2025
2025 — Fullerton, CA/US
Policy Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HideHi guys!
Northwood '25, current Northwood Policy Captain
I want to be added to email chains if the tournament allows it: shreyaaithal07@gmail.com
Most of my thoughts stem from my coach, Alex Fu, but here's everything that's pertinent (probably). If you have questions, send me an email pre-round and I can clarify anything.
CX: I've done Policy for 3 years, and I'm open to anything you want to run. I'm judging YOUR round, and I believe my preferences shouldn't conflict with your strategy. Run what you're comfortable with but be confident you can out-debate your opponents in whatever you go for. I lean heavily tech over truth, with exception of arguments like suicide good.You need to win on the flow to get my vote. I think Ks are great to test the aff, but explain the link CLEARLY, it's the most important aspect of the K to win imo. I'll vote on theory but I probably lean condo good, but go for it by all means if you think that's the best strategy.
PF/LD: I haven't competed either, but have judged both. I'm not familiar with the topic so if you're using a lot of jargon I might get lost. Generally over-explain any topic-specific terminology, and I turn very much to impact calc in close PF/LD debates. Consider me a flow judge; persuasion matters, but much less than the quality of your evidence and your technical debating in round.
General: Be a good person, I won't tolerate any homophobia/transphobia/racism/sexism. Being significantly better than your opponents is not a free pass to bully them in-round, and be nice in crossx. Debate is supposed to be a fun, educational environment, and we rely on our debaters to keep it that way. I would like road maps/orders before your speeches, and will comply with tournament rules regarding file sharing, crossx, and prep. Explain clearly why you deserve the ballot in this round,. Theory is okay by me, but be clear about why it matters and how your opponents link -- I will not vote on arguments or arbitrary violations I don't understand. If you want me to judge kick anything, you need to tell me to do so.Clash is important, and I will value engagement over card dumping, so interact with your opponent's arguments!
I prefer oral RFDs and I think asking questions to clarify decisions is the best for education and improving at debate---I'll stay as long as you want after round (within reason) so ask questions if you have them! I'll leave individual-specific comments on tab, but if you want to have a discussion I'm open to that as well. If you have any post-tournament questions, email me at the same email and I'll answer asap.
ALSO: If you bring me a strawberry acai lemonade I'll give you +0.2 speaks
Good luck everyone!
I am a parent judge, so please keep this in mind, especially during Policy/LD rounds. Speaking quickly is ok - but please be wary of spreading, I need to be able to understand to give accurate RFDs and speaker points.
I am open to any arguments, so feel free to run whatever you feel comfortable with. I would like off-time road maps, and will comply with tournament rules regarding file sharing, CrossEx, and prep. Explain clearly why you deserve the ballot in this round, and be cautious that I will tend to lean tech over truth - I will take into consideration strategy. Theory is okay by me, but be clear about why it matters and link - vague arguments are not voters.
Although I'm open to flowing anything and will do my best to understand your arguments, please note that if critiques are used, I expect them to be fully explained and the relevance to the position established. Clash is important, and I will value engagement over card dumping.
Please be polite and have good sportsmanship, I will not tolerate any harmful arguments, behavior, etc. Good luck everyone!
My email id for sharing any material related to debate: girishab@hotmail.com