I am Juliana Omane
As a seasoned orator, debate coach, and adjudicator, I bring a wealth of experience in various debating formats, including British Parliamentary, Asian Parliamentary, World Schools Debate Championship, Canadian National Debate Format, Public Forum, and Parliamentary debate.
When evaluating debates, I emphasize the importance of respectful discourse, where speakers engage with arguments rather than resorting to personal attacks. I also prioritize equity and inclusivity, expecting participants to uphold these values.
To facilitate effective judging, I appreciate debaters who share their documents in advance, particularly for Lincoln-Douglas and Public Forum debates. A moderate speaking pace is also valued, as it enables me to fully absorb and assess the arguments presented.
In my evaluation, the quality of arguments and logical reasoning takes precedence over stylistic flourishes. I commend debaters who demonstrate a deep understanding of motion types, burden of proof, and the effective deployment of fiats and counter-plans. I do not have any any conflicts.