Lighthouse 4n6 Series Daffodil CANCELED
2025 — Online, US
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All Paradigms: Show HideTimothy Adediran is a well trained professional orator, with experiences in speaking, judging and coaching public forums. Having years of experience in debate; from high school to university levels, I have all the knowledge there is about debating. Also as an educator, I am highly qualified to work with both students and adults alike. I believe, debating is built on growth of analytical skills and intellectual discourse governed by the principles of logic and adherence to the specific rules of engagement associated with the chosen debate format. I possess good knowledge across a wide spectrum of debate formats, including but not limited to Parliamentary debates, World Schools Debating Championship (WSDC), Lincoln-Douglas (LD), Public Forum (PF), policy debates, and many others."
I'm not a picky judge, just prefer arguments and priorities comparisons and weigh ups(when necessary). As an average intelligent voter, I expect you treat as such.
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Timothy Adediran is also a dedicated public speaker and debater whose life is all about the sport. In just a matter of few a year, Timothy has grown from not just a brilliant speaker to a mind-blowing adjudicator and brilliant coach, he's achievements moves from being the Deputy Chief Adjudicator Public Speaking All Nigerian University Debating Championship(the biggest debate tournament in Nigeria) amongst other CAP appointments to being an excellent coach.
His greatness has rubbed off on his student as he is not just one to coach without making an impact and bringing the best speaker out of you.
Having Timothy in your tournament means you're up for a fun and learning experience. From relations to speakers and fellow judges to the ability of being able to give critical feedback that'd push a significant level of self development. So, when your judge is named TIMOTHY ADEDIRAN, congratulations because no matter what the rankings may be, you're walking out of the tournament a winner.
Timothy believes he's an average intelligent voter while judging and only judges the debate based on what has happened in the debate room. Even his feedback critically explained things the speakers might have done better in that room that would have given them a higher ranking.
There is no need to pressurize yourself, just know that with TIMOTHY ADEDIRAN, you're becoming the best version of yourself.