Lansing Individual Events Invitational NIETOC
2025 — Lansing, KS/US
Judges Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HideI was a speech and interp kid NOT a debater- have judged debate before though
Spread at your own risk - if I miss it - I miss it :)
If you run a K it better be darn good and very backed up - if its not then why run it?
Give the how AND the why for your cards
I love roadmaps, they help me flow along - when you miss them, it makes my life hard
Cross x - be nice :)
Be ethical and cool
I have a strong dislike for both kritiks and k-affs and will most likely vote against them.
Please describe the world of the alt for counterplans
I prefer it when teams go into depth about links; going into depth about the topic is more important to me than the amount of evidence you have. quality > quantity.
Prove to me why you are right, do not just spit out evidence and expect me to understand. Explain why your evidence and team is better.
I have not judged this season and am filling in. I participated in Policy, Puff, and LD while in highschool and have a working understanding of most debate terms. I primarily focus on the core of your argument and it's execution.
Ryan Corrigan (he/him/his)
Assistant Coach - Olathe North
Email Chain -
Lansing '22,KU '26
good judge for = policy v. policy, policy v. k
ok judge for = k-aff v. t-usfg, k-aff v. k
- I will do what I can to follow along but I have the least experience with k-aff rounds, so my comments and understanding of the round will not be as good as other judges. I am becoming more comfortable as I judge more rounds, but I may need a little more explanation than some judges, especially on framework.
Intellectual Property specific:
A lot of this topic can be pretty jargony, so try to keep it understandable and accessible for everyone in the round. Great that you understand it, but if you are not able to explain it to the other team or the judge that is not ideal. It is not beneficial for education/competition if you are winning simply because the other team does not know what you are talking about.
General Thoughts:
tech > truth, but truth influences the burden of proving an argument as false
depth > breadth
in depth off case > more silly off case arguments
specific links > vague links
impact calc >>>
judge instruction/signposting >>>
Please don’t shake my hand. I will not think any differently of you and you can show that you care in other ways that do not involve directly spreading germs.
Be a good person and keep the space inclusive for everyone.
Argument Preferences:
Debate the arguments that you want to debate. The best rounds come from both sides understanding their arguments and doing what they enjoy/have spent the most time researching. When I debated, I did DCI and primarily ran policy affs, politics DAs, and more traditional Ks (cap, set col, anthro), but do not let that dissuade you from running what you want. As a judge, I care less about the arguments you read and more about how well you execute those arguments. If you have any specific questions about my argument preferences, though, feel free to clarify before the round. I will likely tell you to read what you are comfortable with.
Speed is good, but make sure it is clear. I am not a machine at flowing, so maybe go around 80-90% of your top speed if you think you are one of the fastest debaters on the circuit. Debate is a communicative activity, so spending the time to communicate your argument matters.If I did not catch the argument because you spread through your pre-written analytics, then it will probably not be on my flow or on my ballot. If you want to ensure that I catch it, then slow down a little or really signpost and draw attention to it.
If you are going to read something that is not on the doc, maybe slow down a little to give time to pick up what you are putting down. I think that not sending your pre-written analytics is kind of silly. If you are scared of the other team having your analytics on a doc, then the arguments are probably not good and you are trying to capitalize off of them dropping it instead of winning it upfront. I see it similarly to the Wiki in the sense that disclosing what you read is important to make it accessible for in-depth debates that clash with the nuance of your argument, rather than counting on a technical mistake.
Compete in the style that you are comfortable with. I do think there is some value in practicing argumentation in different styles, meaning I am not the biggest fan of turning LD/PFD into policy debate. Ultimately you are the one competing, so you do you and I will do what I can to facilitate the round regardless of your argumentation style.
- Active participation in the chamber by giving persuasive speeches AND asking thoughtful questions will help to improve your ranks.
- After the first or second speech on a given bill, there should be clash with the previous speeches to contextualize it to the round. Your pre-written speech is good, but reading it without updating it to the arguments made in previous speeches is not good.
- Clash with the value/criterion level of the debate. In-depth value debating is good because you are letting your opponent get away with a lot by not clashing enough here. Tell me why to prefer your value/criterion.
- If you are treating LD like policy debate, then make sure your opponent is comfortable with this before the round.
- Clash with the framework level of the debate. Tell me why to prefer your framework.
- Grand crossfire can become pointless very fast, so try not to talk over the other team.
- If you are treating PFD like policy debate, then make sure your opponent is comfortable with this before the round.
..and yes, I am Jack Corrigan's older brother
Hello, and thank you for reading my paradigm. I look forward to hearing you debate...
I am an assistant coach that has a primary background in Interp. and speech events. However, I am also an English teacher with an extensive background in rhetorical analysis.
My preferences for debates are as follows:
I'm not fond of spreading. Spreading for the first speech when the cards are in front of me is fine, but for cross x, and rebuttals I would prefer a speech that is spoken deliberately and confidently. I struggle to give a fair ruling when I can't understand what you've said.
I don't take constant flow notes, but I do still take notes- especially if there's a particular point I found to be convincing or lacking. I primarily write down your key arguments to keep organized in round.
When it comes to deciding a winner, there are several things I consider: I look for appeals to pathos, logs, and ethos. I also look for presentation. There's a lot of fantastic information being presented, but is it presented in a clear and understandable way?
I expect debaters to compete ethically and with integrity. I don't appreciate when competitors speak over each other in cross x. In my opinion, cross x is to gather information from your competitor, then you can disprove their answers in your rebuttal. That's whole point of a rebuttal. When you speak over each other, I can't hear you properly, and therefore struggle to choose a winner.
Tim Ellis
Head Coach - Washburn Rural High School, Topeka, KS
Email chain -,
I am the head debate coach at Washburn Rural High School. I dedicate a large portion of my free time to coaching and teaching debate. I will work very hard during debates to keep an accurate flow of what is being said and to provide the best feedback possible to the debaters that are participating. I cannot promise to be perfect, but I will do my best to listen to your arguments and help you grow as a debater, just like I do with the students that I coach at Washburn Rural.
Because I care about debate and enjoy watching people argue and learn, I prefer debates where people respond to the arguments forwarded by their opponents. I prefer that they do so in a respectful manner that makes debate fun. Tournaments are long and stressful, so being able to enjoy a debate round is of paramount importance to me. Not being able to have fun in a debate is not a reason I will ever vote against a team, but you will see your speaker points rise if you seem to be enjoying the activity and make it a more enjoyable place for those you are competing against.
I will do my best to adjudicate whatever argument you decide to read in the debate. However, I would say that I generally prefer that the affirmative defend a topical change from the status quo and that the negative team says that change from the status quo is a bad idea. I am not the best judge on the planet for affs without a plan (see the first part of the previous statement), but I am far from the worst. I am not the best judge on the planet for process counterplans (see the second part of the previous statement), but I am far from the worst. Much like having fun, the above things are preferences, not requirements for winning a debate.
Topic specific things about intellectual property rights:
- The neg is in a tough spot on this year's topic in terms of generics. If you are good at debating topicality, it will likely not be difficult to convince me that a more limited version of the topic could be better. However, limits for the sake of limits is not really a persuasive argument, so a big limits DA alone does not automatically result in a negative victory.
- Equally debated, I can be convinced that the mere presence of resolutional words in the plan is insufficient to prove that the affirmative's mandate is topical.
- Please debate the affirmative case. I know it can be tempting to just impact turn the aff, but generally the scenario you are turning lacks solvency or an internal link, and perhaps that would be a better use of your time than ripping into heg bad cards off your laptop for 13 minutes.
- This topic is dense and difficult to research. Speaks will likely reward teams who engagein specific research, affirmative or negative, for the positions that they present.
- I am not going to stop you from doing open cross-ex, but I really think it is overutilized and generally uneducational. In most situations, the best outcome is that you look mean or make your partner look incompetent. If your strategy revolves around not letting your partner speak in cross-ex, do not expect to receive high speaker points from me.
LHS '23
KU '27
For email chain:
TL:DR - Pop off. Have fun and don't be racist
any amount of intended bigotry will result in 0 speaker points and an immediate L, so don't be a terrible person and we won't have a problem
i debated policy for 4 years in high school in kansas and primarily did k debate (set col and cybernetics) and tech
i believe debate is a game that can be more than a game
i am not currently debating so I may miss things if you go full speed (~300 wpm). signpost
i love theory, but condo is the only one I consider a viable 2ar
t is generally not an rvi unless substantial offense says otherwise
there is no such thing as a cheating counterplan if theory isn't argued
i adore kritiks. Run them idc just explain how the k functions and do good k debate things. i believe rejection is an alt
k affs need compartmentalization but i'll happily vote on them
[copy] [paste bigotry warning] Don't be a terrible person :)
i debated LD for 4 years in high school in kansas and was the 2023 5a state champ. i'm down for traditional/technical args. Just don't turn it into a policy round please
i believe the value is the primary lens through which the round is voted on and the criterion is the mechanism or thesis the case achieves the value
i prefer offense > defense on v/crit debate but can be persuaded otherwise
i interpret the contention debate as your opportunity to meet the criterion by a preponderance of the evidence and will frame impacts as implicit reasons opposing value/criterion structure doesn't work
topicality is rare, but if the violation is egregious without counter definitions, i'll allow it
overall, i believe in argument innovation and creativity so feel free to run anything and everything in front of me
Zach Johnson – Sumner Academy Head Debate and Forensics Coach
File Share: Prefer SpeechDrop, but email works if needed.
Topic Knowledge (24-25): Familiar with the topic but always open to learning new arguments. Keep your analysis clear and contextual.
Philosophy: Debate is an educational space that should be welcoming and accessible. Be good humans first, good debaters second. Speed is fine, but clarity is key.
DAs & CPs: Need clear impact calculus and a strong net benefit for a CP. If I don’t understand your DA by the 1NR, it’ll be tough to win in the 2NR.
T & Theory: Default to competing interpretations but won’t vote on T unless it’s well-warranted by the 2NR.
Kritiks & K Affs: Enjoy K debates if they’re well-run. Need a clear framework and role of the ballot. K affs should articulate what they do and why.
Speed: High speed is fine—just keep it clear. I’ll call “clear” if needed.
Equity & Accessibility: Any discrimination or toxicity won’t be tolerated. Let me know if you need accommodations.
Speaker Points: Be persuasive, strategic, and maybe make me laugh for a bonus.
Questions? Ask before the round. Good luck!
Hello - Is this thing on?
What did the Zen Buddhist say to the hot dog cart vendor?
Make me one with everything.
The Zen Buddhist gives the hot dog cart vendor $5 for a $3 hot dog. He asks the vendor, "Where's my change?"
The vendor says, "True change comes from within. Now go be the change you want to see in the world."
What do you call the wife of a hippy?
Do you know the last thing my grandfather said before he kicked the bucket?
"Grandson, watch how far I can kick this bucket."
For the person who stole my thesaurus, I have no words to express my anger.
I have been and English teacher for 30 years - I have judged debate (as an assistant Coach) for 6 years. Therefore, I like reason and intelligent argument debaters who have researched enough to know what they are talking about.
I prefer actual conversational debate. Please use speechdrop.
I am basically a TABULA RASA judge. Counterplans, kritiks, disadvantages, topicality - it is all possibly a winning move if it is done well.
I respect debaters who know their evidence well and can concisely clarify during cross-x.
A big plus for actually understanding how government works so that you can formulate a reasonable plan/counterplan - know what the IRS is actually responible for - know the powers ennumerated to the federal government and therefore what is relegated to the states
I generally do not enjoy nuclear annihilation arguments - unless they link clearly. Sometimes it does, but most of the time it does not.
Current Head Forensics, Assistant Debate Coach at Olathe North High School in Kansas, Previously Head Coach at Lansing 2018-2024 (mixed style debate 5A school), and Buhler High School 2015-2018 (traditional-style debate 4A school). I judge rounds regularly, and have for the last 15+ years.
I did not debate in High School or College but DID participate in Forensics @ the high school level at Eudora High and at the collegiate level at Northwest Missouri State University.
Interp / PA: I don't think you should change you performance based on your audience, HOWEVER, I have lived experience that makes it REALLY hard to stay with you if you mention harm to children. It will go better for both of us if you have a content warning for me. I do not need you to tell me anything explicit, I wont need to excuse myself from the round, but if I know its there its easier to listen to you and give you feedback.
General Debate Things
Speed - clarity is important, I'm more on the slow end of fast debate. Add me to the email chain and put your analytics in the docs and I can usually keep up ok. If you don't add your analytics to the doc, and I miss them on my flow that becomes a problem for you.
FYI: I have a degree in Biology, this is included b/c my threshold for answering crap science args is low. I'm not gonna do the work for the opponent but they wont need to do much. Also bad logic hurts your ethos.
Debater Behavior: there is no good reason for any debater behavior that causes exclusion in the space. Debate should be a polite exchange. FROM MY DEBATE SYLLABUS: "As debaters we often implement multiple varieties of viewpoints and voices in order to make an argument. What is not acceptable at any point includes slurs or attacks intended to degrade others on the basis of gender, race, sexual preference, sexual identity; this list may not include all possibilities. We attack arguments, not people, in debate." I remove travel privileges from my teams engaging in this behavior, and if it happens in the scope of the round I am judging the offending team will receive the loss AND have a sportsmanship grievance to contend with.
Arguments vs Delivery:I will judge the round based on the division it is in. If we are at a KDC flagged event and you are spreading my threshold for an abuse argument is gonna be in the basement.
In Policy Rounds -
I am pretty Tabula Rasa but default to a flow policymaker with a high regard for stock issues if no one tells me how/why to vote.
Kritiks: I enjoy them but you have to make sure it makes actual sense, If you cant make sure your opponent understands the K its not productive to the round, to you, or to anyone. You also need to explain the logic of the K for me to vote on it. (TLDR- don't be lazy and I will weigh it)
I love a good T debate :) - IMPORTANT EXCLUSION - Ablest T arguments are NOT acceptable and will be voted down - Example: if your T argument is premised off of a typo in the AFF teams document (could be due to an intellectual disability) rather than what the words of the actual resolution are.
In LD Rounds -
Value and Value Criterion are not just buzzwords, they are central to the LD form of debate, if you read them just to move on to your policy framework that isn't the point. I realize this makes me a traditionalist.
In PFD Rounds -
PFD is not Policy. There should not be a plan text. This was intended to be whole-res debate.
Make sure you give me framework in the 1st speech, Judge instruction is key.
Name: Carolina Perez-Lozano
Current Affiliation: Kansas State University
Experience: Competing in Forensics for 5 years and dabbled in Congressional debate for a year. Currently on K-State's Speech Team.
List of Types of Arguments That I Prefer to Listen to:
- Real world impacts.
- Kritical arguments. (Describe it well and explain the world of your alt.)
- Known and understand what you are reading and debating. (Be able to explain your cards.)
List of Types of Arguments That I Don't Prefer to Listen to:
- Topicality (Not a fan of it being used for a time-filler, but if ran correct it's perfectly okay to run topicality).
- Spreading to the point where not a lot of people can understand what you are saying or if you're mushing all of your words together.
Speed: A medium-fast speaking speed that is still understandable.
List of Stylistic items I like to Watch:
- Seeing clash happening during cross-x and rebuttals.
- Seeing the debater's personalities during cross-x and rebuttals.
- Impact Calc.
List of Stylistic items I don't like to Watch:
- Inconsistent and unrecognizable speed.
- Not being able to understand what is being said in this round because of volume or speed.
Non-tolerable: Any racist, sexist, homophobic, prejudice, etc. comments mentioned in the round will result to an automatic loss.
Yes, I do want to be on the e-mail chain:
I was a debater for Spring Hill High School. Coach for Manhattan High School 2017-2024. I now Coach for Blue Valley High School in Stillwell, KS.
Top Level: I am definitely a policymaker and will vote for the side/scenario that does the most good while causing the least amount of harm. My view of Policy maker does leave room for in-round impacts. Impact calc in the rebuttals will go a long way with me. An overview is always appreciated. I, like many judges, can get lost in high-speed rounds. Don't just assume I know things or will do any work for you. I default to tech over truth but don't push it. If your evidence is bad, I can't vote on it. I can't pretend like Russia didn't invade The Ukraine.
Speed: I'll keep up alright in higher speed rounds, but always run the risk of getting lost. I'll flow off of the speech doc, but I need slow and clear analytics. Doing your job breaking down the round in the 2NR/AR benefits me.
Kritiks: I am comfortable with the basics of the K, but my lit knowledge base is quite low. I am not receptive to Kritiks of Rhetoric (or most procedurals for that matter) if you can't give me a clear link to the AFF. Don't just say "their security rhetoric is problematic" if you can't highlight that rhetoric for me.
K-AFFs: I'll vote for a K-AFF, but you'll have to do enough work to prove that the ballot of a random Debate judge matters to your aff. A strong understanding of how the debate ecosystem functions will help you here. There are opportunities for a Perf Con debate that I haven't been seeing with enough teams.
Identity-centric Kritiks: Don't use black and brown narratives as just a route to the ballot. Cheapening these narratives because you know you can beat a policy team causes real-world harm. Seeing that you are carrying your advocacy in and out of the round that I am watching matters to me.
Topicality: Topicality violations have to be generally pretty blatant for me. There are fairly standard responses an Aff can make that will generally sway me on Topicality. If the Aff doesn't do some simple work, then I am forced to vote Neg. I default to competing interpretations and will evaluate the standards in a way to determine which interpretation best upholds an equitable debate experience. I have a hard time voting for a potential for abuse. In round abuse (like the aff linking out of everything) will weigh more heavily on my ballot.
Counter plans: I'll listen to a good counter-plan debate, but they have to be competitive. I have a hard time voting for a Consult CP. They are messy debates.
Politics DA's: I'll evaluate a politics DA, but I always want some great uniqueness evidence and a strong link. Many politics DA's I have been seeing lack the latter. Generic Politics DA answers will often win me over. I don't love the Politics DA
Don't be an awful person. I'll vote you down. Keeping this activity healthy for all students is important to me.
Please feel free to ask me questions. You all knowing my preferences benefit me just as much as it benefits you all. Don't be afraid to ask for additional feedback. If I have time, I'll chat with you :)
Random stuff for this year: 2024-2025
--- I need to see some fantastic evidence comparison this year. The literature feels very divided on what conditions best generate things like innovation.,
--- I have a hard time believing IPR will sway the election
---I think the K ground this year is fantastic
--- I will listen to a generic Strengthening Enforcement T debate. I'm not quite sure of how I feel about this argument yet.
4 years policy in highschool
Not the best with crazy speed
Duo and POI enthusiast.
Pronouns: They/them - yes I am fem-presenting, doesn't matter. I will vote you down for repeatedly misgendering me or anyone else in the round. On the subject, I will probably ask for everyone's pronouns.
Email for email chains:
PLEASE use an email chain OR speechdrop, my computer doesn't like flash drives for some reason lol.
3 years of Varsity Debate at Lansing High School. I was a finalist at Iowa Caucus and made it to Quarters at Glenbrooks. I was a competitor for Lansing at Kansas Regionals and State Tournaments for two years , I also qualified and competed at CFL and NSDA's tournaments.
Foreword: Be good people. I will not hesitate to vote you down for any transphobia, homophobia, sexism, racism, ableism, and whatnot, no matter who it's directed towards. I will take off speaker points and leave a comment on the ballot if a male debater is blatantly speaking over a woman or fem-presenting person in cross-ex or anywhere else; this has happened to me in-round, I know what the difference between an aggressive cross-ex and misogyny is. If I hear or see you in any way harassing or bullying your opponents before, during, or after round, you will be voted down. This includes running things like Heidegger; I will vote you down if you run a Nazi's arguments. If you think the other team/ anyone in the room has been transphobic/homophobic/ misogynistic/racist/etc, call it out.
FOR PAPER TEAMS: If you debate on paper, I have certain requirements, these are not optional. 1) You cannot use a laptop in other speeches. A paper 1AC and a digital every other speech is needless gatekeeping of information. 2) You MUST have a copy of the aff for the neg AND the judge, they must have access to this at the START of the 1AC.
I consider violation of these an ethics violation, I will auto downvote you for it. If there are unique circumstances, talk to me.
DISCLOSURE RULES: Disclosure is REQUIRED unless the aff is breaking new (aka this is the first time running this aff). If you refuse to disclose, I will ask if you are breaking new. If you are not, I will require that you disclose.
On to the actual paradigm lol
I was a very tech-y debater, so if something's not covered on here, assume I have a really tech opinion. I am tech over truth.
-I ADORE a good T debate.
- Standards like limits, ground, and brightline are where the bulk of the T debate should be.
-I default to competing interpretations. It's really hard to convince me to vote on reasonability but I can do it if it's well-done.
-Having good interp cards is not as important to me as the impact your interp has on the topic/debatespace.
-TVA's are great, but you don't need them to win a T debate with me.
-Squirrely T definitions are fine with me. Just run them well.
-You don't really need to explain to me why education and fairness are impacts, but DO explain how limits and ground shape them.
-I really dislike DA's that have no internal link chain or one that makes no sense.
-I will accept generic links, but some analytic explanation of how they link to this specific case (esp if the Aff calls you on it) is good.
-I. LOVE. K'S. I ran the Cap K all the time, I love them!
-That being said, I don't know a ton of deep deep K literature. I am fine with the basics. Anything else I'll need some explanation for.
-Links of omission/masking links are NOT LINKS.
-Language and reps links are great, love em.
-Use whatever framework you want, just justify it.
-I'll allow pics and plan-plus cp's IF the neg explains them, why they're competitive, etc. You'll have to do a LOT of work to convince me to vote for these. Affs are very welcome to run a million theory violations on you for it, though.
-Consult cp's are absolutely cheating though. I'll vote these down if the Aff calls it out for being cheaty.
-You need a net-benefit (internal is ok if explained) and to be mutually-exclusive, as per usual.
Case Debate:
-Affs, if you lose the case debate, you lose the round. If the 2AC doesn't extend case, and the neg mentions it, I'm putting Neg on the ballot immediately. Same with any case turn.
-I will not grant the 1AR any new arguments. You get what the 2AC says, nothing else (unless the neg reads something new in the block).
K Affs:
-I'm okay with y'all reading them, as long as you a) explain them to me, and b) run them well.
-T USFG vs K Affs is always fun to watch. I find that T-Framework is the easiest way for the neg to win against a K Aff.
-K v K debates need explanation: I find that these debates often go so high into k theoryland that I just kinda sit there not understanding a thing.
Miscellaneous Stuff:
-JUDGE. INSTRUCTION. GIVE IT TO ME. I WILL NOT give you conceded arguments unless you point them out. On that note, I hate judge intervention and will avoid doing so if possible.
-Extension = extending the claim + author/date. I am very strict on this - shadowextensions do not count, I will not flow them.
-Ask me questions before and after rounds! I love answering questions, please come ask me! If you disagree with one of my decisions, come ask me why I voted the way I did (respectfully, of course).
-Barry 17
-Lighthearted banter and jokes between teams is a-ok with me
-If you need bathroom break or a breather if you're super anxious, let me know and go ahead.
-I don’t care if you eat/drink in round, just don’t be disruptive.
-I consider more than 7 off a jerk move and abusive. You're giving the 2AC a minute per offcase. Don't push it. Neg, you should be able to win a round with as little as 1 off or just case - running 7 off shows me that your strategy is "I hope we send the aff into a panic and exploit it" - that makes the debate worse for everyone.
-Have fun, do your best, and don't run Heidegger.
Good luck :D!
Speak clear and loud I have hearings aids but they don’t always work well.
I have experience doing extemporaneous speaking but that was many years ago.
I value professionalism and ethos, it’s hard to tell if your argument is good if you don’t explain it well and you sound un confident .
I’m very lay and my flow looks like class notes so even if you win the flow I won’t know unless I’m clearly told and given why it matters.
Recommendations for you from my grandson,
• Don’t harp on the same thing during CX your goal is to build arguments during that time.
• Connect your arguments to real world events, what your opponents said, and how it affects the world.
• Eye connect please look my grandpa in the eye.