Old Fort Hays Forensics Invitational
Judges Paradigm List
All Paradigms:
Claudio Aguayo-Borquez
Last changed on
Sat October 19, 2024 at 3:58 AM EDT
I am an Assistant Professor of Spanish and Latin American literature and culture at Fort Hays State University. I have judged once in the past (2023) at Hays High School. The current debate regarding intellectual property rights, including subtopics such as Artificial Intelligence and access to books and text materials, concerns me a lot, and I consider it a severe debate. I prefer clear, argumentative, and conversational language over technical language. I write down arguments and see if they are fair and logical. Both argument and style are essential, but I value argumentative capabilities over stylistic things. When assessing a debate I will consider mainly the arguments but also the attitude of different teams, including their ability to deal with emotions--since those things can affect your argumentation. Persuasive arguments differ from opinions as they relate to logical ideas, the ability to connect various pieces of information, and emotional self-administration. I believe in respecting democracy overall and everything when sharing and discussing ideas.
Elisabeth Brotherton
Dodge City High School
This is my first time judging debate.
I am an attorney and a touring professional stand-up comedian so I speak for a living; however, I have never participated in scholastic competitive debate.
I will be looking for clarity in arguments, supported by direct evidence or facts.
I think the most effective speakers possess the ability to connect to their listener and educate/inform them.
I understand that debate can get heated; however, maintaining professional decorum and sportsmanlike behavior in those moments is crucial.
Tia Carter
Golden Plains High School
Chris Delay
Salina South High School
Hello young debater looking at this paradigm moments before speaking to me, as the kids say, IRL. I look forward to seeing your absolute BEST round.
I am a veteran coach (I coach in a time BEFORE computers!), and tend to weigh argumentation and presentation skills equally in round. I am slightly hard of hearing so speaking at a comfortable level is preferable.
I would prefer to keep an accurate/organized flow and would ask for your help in providing roadmaps/signposting and remembering that as a judge, I do not have all of the evidence in front of me. Keep me in the round by communicating your order and arguments clearly.
Thank you for reading this. Do your best.
Last changed on
Sat March 23, 2024 at 9:58 AM CDT
Clearly outline arguments
Framework is important :warranted offense + line by line defense = RFD
Dan Heath
Great Bend High School
Last changed on
Fri January 5, 2024 at 9:39 AM CDT
I did not debate in high school or college, but have served as a debate assistant for several years. I have judged about 10 rounds on this year's topic. I am policy maker or stock issue judge. I appreciate when teams listen to the evidence that the other team is reading and analyze it and check the warrants. I hate just reading blocks without explanation.
The Affirmative has the burden of proof to support the resolution. You will probably do better if you do not speed read to me.
I will listen to any arguments, but specific links are important. Explanation is important.
The last speakers should weight the round. Convince me to vote for you based on what was argued in the round.
I will penalize rudeness. Just be nice to each other.
Kim Heath
Great Bend High School
Last changed on
Sat January 13, 2024 at 10:09 AM EDT
I competed in high school debate in a small 4A/3A school for four years in the late 80’s, was part of K-State’s CEDA national championship team in the 90’s. I coached for about 10 years before taking a break to raise kids and I am now in my 5th year back.
I know debate and my coach's heart is strong. . . but I am better at the older style of debate than the newer style of debate.
My most important rule is “Be Kind.” There is a reason this activity needs to be accessible to all. Don’t pollute the activity that I love.
I used to say speaking fast is fine. I am editing my paradigm now to say that the recent fast rounds that I have judged have not been articulated clearly enough for me to understand. In the end, this is still a communication activity. Additionally, mindless reading of blocks without clash is not good debate. Please flow and put your arguments on the flow. You shouldn't be able to speak from just a preloaded block on your computer. I enjoy line by line argumentation. I expect summarizing and explanation in between. I appreciate speed most when it is utilized to analyze and weigh responses and dislike when teams spread through unwarranted responses to attempt to overwhelm the other team.
I am probably closest to a policy-maker or a stock issues judge, but am willing to consider other paradigms if you want me to.
I expect you to weigh the round and analyze the voting issues in the final rebuttals.
Please include me in any email chain or evidence sharing, but I will probably only look at the evidence if it's important to my decision and 1) someone asks me to or 2) I think it sounds misconstrued.
I will not evaluate any K's, or theory arguments unless you tell me how to approach the argument and how it weighs in the round. Don’t get me wrong, I am willing to listen to K's, although I have little experience reading or evaluating them. If you run these arguments, please avoid excessive jargon. You are going to have to be super clear.
Cross-ex is for questions not arguments. You will get a lot further with your argumentation if you save it for the speech. I don’t flow cross-ex and usually am working on the ballot during that time.
I will vote on topicality if necessary.
- I will not vote on vagueness unless clarifying questions are asked of the affirmative in cross-examination AND their case becomes a moving target.
- I will not vote on disclosure theory. Just debate the round.
- I know that I am old school, but I believe that feeding your partner what to say during their speech or cross-ex makes that partner look weak. Trust your partners. They are smart people.
- I hate rudeness and will penalize. Don’t put another person down and don’t try to make them look stupid . . . other than that, speaks are based on strategy/arguments, not style/speaking ability. I stick to 27 - 30 for speaker points unless you are rude, condescending, racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.
I am frustrated by excessive tech time (there is a reason that we added prep-time). Please keep a fair track of your time. I don’t want to have to worry about it. But don’t cheat on time.
If you have any questions, ask before the round. I will do my best to give you meaningful feedback about your strengths in the round and how I think you can improve on the ballot.
Best of luck! Have fun! Enjoy! Form connections . . . that’s what debate is all about!
Brynnalese Dayne Nelson
Salina Central High Central
Last changed on
Sat October 5, 2024 at 8:25 AM EDT
I debated four years in high school. This is my fourth year assistant coaching overall.
I think you should do you. Do what works best for you and I will listen to it as unbiasedly as I can. I'm not okay with rudeness or being unkind in round for no reason. I’ve become grumpier as time goes on and don’t like when people do cheaty things. This would be stealing prep, not disclosing, reading from a computer but only sharing a paper copy of the file, etc.
Madisen Perez
Salina South High School
Last changed on
Sat January 6, 2024 at 8:03 AM CDT
I have 50% hearing loss, I would appreciate it if competitors could speak clearly and enunciate! I would love it if I could read your lips but if you prefer to wear your mask, please do the above mentioned.
Please also note that I usually cannot keep up with speedy fast speaking, because of the hearing loss. Please slow down.
Angela Pool-Funai
Alex Reisner
Hoisington High School
Crystal Richards
Trego Community High School (TCHS)
Bobbi Rookstool
Maleigha Siglinger-Albers
Trish Starbuck
Colby High School
Kevin Anthony Walter
Robynn Wessel
Golden Plains High School