Lighthouse Forensics 4n6 Series Rose CANCELED
2025 — Online, US
Debate Events Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HideDebate Philosophy:
I approach debates with a focus on flowing arguments and evaluating them based on the flow. While I prioritize technical arguments over truth, I do expect clear and logical communication from debaters. Clarity of thought and logic is paramount, and I value well-warranted arguments over-reliance on evidence alone.
I weigh the claims by whether they are supported by two kinds of reasoning:
11. Truth: Why the claim is true.
22. Impact: Why this claim is important in the debate.
"Claims" apply to both constructive arguments and rebuttals, as I will weigh them side by side in clashes on my flow later. Providing examples or research findings doesn't necessarily mean your claim is true; you have to explain which part of the example/research can be applied to the argument, to explain why that example is important to the debate as a whole.
Weighing Arguments:
Debaters should focus on weighing their arguments and demonstrating why their impacts outweigh those of their opponents. This includes considering scope, magnitude, timeframe, probability, or employing metaweighing techniques. I appreciate clear roadmaps and signposting throughout the round to aid in organization.
Topic Relevance:
I prefer debates to stay on topic and avoid off-topic or theoretical arguments aimed at disqualifying the other team. Definitions by the government/affirmative team are allowed, but abuse of this privilege will be penalized.
Argument Evaluation:
Warranted arguments are crucial for winning my ballot. Unsubstantiated claims are difficult to vote on, especially when effectively rebutted by the opposing side. It's essential to be charitable to opponents' arguments and engage with the best version of their claims rather than strawmanning them.
Public Forum-Specific:
In Public Forum debates, I prioritize logical reasoning over reliance on evidence cards. Debaters should focus on identifying weaknesses in their opponents' link chains rather than reading from prepared blocks. Clash should be evident by the rebuttal speeches, and second rebuttals should address all offense or risk concessions.
Evidence and Email Chains:
I do not typically review evidence or participate in email chains. Debaters must convince me of their arguments without relying on my review of evidence. However, if requested, I may assess evidence for accuracy.
Hiii, I'm Rozey and I have debated and judged in the APDA style at Wellesley College but I truly appreciate all debate styles & their quirks! I have experience judging in APDA, PF, LD, CX, and Congress. That being said please feel free to message me for feedback or for absolutely anything! :~)
More on Experience
I have debated and judged on the APDA team at Wellesley College for two years. Alongside this, I have judged multiple in-person and online tournaments in the APDA, Public Forum, Congress, and Lincoln-Douglas styles. I also judge through Hired Judge & have additional experience through that platform.
Please, please take into account that I don't appreciate speed, I can flow it but! I would much rather completely hear and process the entirety of your argument rather than only capturing a few points.
Hot tip: weigh! Weighing is so helpful for me as a judge in evaluating because this the point of the debate, to show which side of the debate/house is going to have the most impact. I can assure that someone who weighs, especially in their closing, is going to receive higher speaks simply because I understand their argument.
Also, provide me with some ~spice~ in your speeches! A little humor never hurt anyone!
I am Dominic Stanley-Marcus. I am a debater, a judge, a debate coach, and a classroom teacher. I have a bachelor degree in Educational Psychology from Rivers State University, Nigeria.
As a judge, I make it a mandatory objective to ensure a safe space for everyone to debate. This comes with establishing the rules of the house with clarity and candor and reporting any sort of violation of the set rules and regulations to the respective equity team. This isn't included in my metrics for assessing the winners because I also understand that my position as a judge is to be a non-interventionist average intelligent voter. I have been trained to be unbiased and objective as a judge, yet, being disciplined enough to call out wrongs at any time seen within a debate round.
The criteria for winning my ballot as a judge include but are not limited to the following: the persuasiveness of argument, style and delivery, clarity of purpose and logical engagement with the contending themes in the debate and confidence in both speech elements and burden of proof. On a basic level, I want debaters just show to me why their argument (s) is true and why I should care about whatever the arguments seek to achieve. Being an ordinary intelligent voter, I believe this metric is such that is fair for all, an advanced debater or a novice debater.
In terms of my personality traits and how they come into this paradigm. As a certified educational psychologist, one crucial personality of mine that can be exploited in a debate session is my listening skills. I am a very good listener. This also means that I pay close attention to speaker's speeches and not just judge accents, speech impediments or whatever could be their speech disabilities. This is an important quality for me as a judge because it makes me create room for everyone in a debate space such that speakers aren't marked down on my ballot because of problems beyond their capacity to control. By being a good listener, I ensure that fairness is upheld and metrics for winning a debate round ensure that individual differences are factored in.
Another quality I can boast of is being a mentor. I believe that part of my job as a judge is 'pointing people right'. By this, I ensure that my oral adjudication and feedbacks are as educating as necessary and possible. I thoroughly show the teams why they win or lose, yet, commend them on areas that they did great and where they also have to improve on. In the same vein, I show them why they should care since the debate is about growth and intellectual development. This makes debaters learn both in their victory and their defeats.
Lastly, I am open to challenges as a judge because that also presents an opportunity for me to grow and evolve. This is why flexibility remains my watchword to enable me to learn new things as quickly as possible and still deliver equally as expected.
Thank you.
Hello, I’m Collins.
As a debater, public speaker, and adjudicator, I’ve seen debate from every angle. And for me, it’s about so much more than winning. It’s about growth. It’s about learning. It’s about continuous improvement.
In debate rounds, I reward speakers who combine clarity with conviction, and those who respect their opponents while responding fairly and effectively to their arguments. Prove your cases with logic, structure, and evidence, and engage meaningfully with the clashes in the round.
Debate and Speech aren’t yelling contests. They’re opportunities to share and listen attentively to untested ideas. I assure you that when required, I’d provide the most comprehensive feedback on your ideas and how you shared them.
I’d absolutely love it if: your speech leaves me impressed, your arguments leave me convinced, and I leave the round having learned something new.
Best wishes!