16 4A UIL CX Debate District Tournament
2025 — Henderson, TX/US
Policy Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HideCX(Policy) Debate
I LOVE direct clash, so if you can ensure that your arguments are responding to what's been presented in the round, then that will certainly be reflected in the speaker points for the round.
I prefer roadmaps to be short and concise. They do not need to be exaggerated, simply such as off-case then on-case, or off-case: 1T, 2DA, 1CP then moving to on-case. Throughout the round, I have always encouraged signposting. It ensures that your arguments end up on the flow where you want them to go, if you do not do this, then you run the risk of me putting it where I think it should go, and this could work against you. Take control of the round. Do not let me do this simply by signposting the argumentation throughout your speech.
I have a low threshold on T for this resolution(24-25), so I would not spend much time on it past the constructive. Unless the AFF is truly not topical, which is difficult to imagine with the broadness of this year's topic. I would encourage addressing it and moving on to the NEG again unless the AFF is truly not topical and the violation is abundantly clear. Then, I probably won't be voting on this in the round.
In my personal opinion, this is the 2nd highest level of the debate that has been participated in for this topic. I love for the link-internal link chain to clearly show me how we get to whatever impact you advocate for throughout the DA(s) you run in the round. I would highly recommend impact analysis as the round progresses. Please know the difference between impact calc and impact weighing. Both are good. Just don't say you are doing an impact calc when you are actually doing impact weighing.
I don't mind these, but want a clear explanation throughout the round as to why they can't be permed, what are the net benefits of doing it through the CP, and why the CP is competitive compared to the AFF. There are many ways for the AFF to answer the many different CPs that have come through on this resolution, and I have enjoyed the CP debate on this year's topic more than in previous years. For the NEG these take a ton of work for me to vote on, and for my ballot, it is not difficult for the AFF to answer them in the rounds.
I will not interfere, but I do not spend much time, if any at all, with the literature, so you are going to have to do a ton of analysis...which, as a NEG Strat in my rounds, is probably a bad idea cause I tend to vote on clash and where that's happening. I'm not saying don't do it but be prepared to lose me quickly and lose my ballot quickly if the K does not make sense or has all the right elements to the argument.I think the most important part of this for you to see when it comes to K-Debate is that if this is your strat for the round to read a K. I will not reject the argument inherently, but want you to know I may not understand your argument at first and you may have to do more explanation and give more time when I am looking for DA and On-case position arguments. If you read this please make sure you have a complete K and are ready to explain the literature and how it is advocating for the change you want to see.
THIS IS MY FAVORITE!!!! Especially this year, the abundance of evidence that generally links to the case that AFFs have to work through or that AFFs get to extend through the round has been incredible.
Realistically, I am looking for the stocks to be upheld, but want to make my decision based on those and what I believe will be the best policy in the round.
Last, I WILL NOT INTERFEER. I want you to enjoy the round, so read your evidence and debate your way. Please understand everything above is what I prefer to see in a round, and for me, the clash is the highest priority and the AFF burden to prove that policy is beneficial. Those are my two presumptions before the round ever begins, so whoever meets those and proves to me the policy is net beneficial or will lead to existential harm typically is who gets my ballot.
Speed, since that is what this question is really asking...I tend to err on the side of technical over articulate, as this is an incredibly technical event, and know how much time it has taken to develop that skill. That being said, POP THE TAG AND EVIDENCE TO ENSURE THAT IT MAKES THE FLOW...SPEED AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! I WOULD ALSO ENCOURAGE YOU TO KNOW YOUR CIRCUIT AND THE EXPECTATIONS...
I will warn you to watch me or my pen. If I am not flowing the round, then there is a high probability that I am not following along with you, and the only saving grace for you is the speech drop, file share, or email chain if there is one. Please be present in the round and observant that it could be the difference in your win or loss, simply because I could not understand your attempt at spreading.
Again, this is not to say you can't, but I would for sure slow down on taglines/claims. Pop the source or card information before going full howitzer in the warrants of the evidence.
LD Debate
I am as traditional as it gets. I tend to keep a more technical-based flow. Slow, pretty speaking, and thorough argumentation. I weigh heavily on the Value and Criterion clash. I love good voters at the end of the rebuttal phase. I do understand progressive argumentation but for the sake of LD, I would keep it to a minimum. Signpost well and keep off-time roadmaps brief. Even though I prefer traditional LD Debate, I understand the merit of research that comes with progressive LD, I will evaluate these rounds and am quite capable of doing so since I spend most of my fall semester judging policy rounds. I would encourage you to read my CX(Policy) paradigm if this is your style. It will better help you navigate these rounds. I will also caution you with called drops especially if it appears this strategy is being used just to grab a win, I believe that harms the education in the round and makes me less likely to warrant them as drops rather than a lack of information. I would prefer an analysis of why the arguments are still valid and voting issues in the round rather than just calling them drops or unanswered arguments. Again, I stress reading the CX event above this to get a better understanding of how I will evaluate the round.
Please tell me when and where I will vote to control my flow and the ballot. If you do this, it should be a good round for you. I can not emphasize enough that CLASH is crucial, and I will know if you do not interact with arguments made by you and your opponent. If you declare it as an offense and can justify this claim, it could win you the round!
When it comes to a congress chamber, I have found that I enjoy healthy debate and awareness in a chamber. What this means is that for a PO and the chamber to understand when the debate has begun to circle around and there are no new arguments being developed...It is probably time to move to a previous question. If you feel that you have a really strong speech to give, but it is the same argumentation that has already occurred, I would encourage you to make sure that you are working on elements of refutation to direct speakers in the chamber along with crystalizing how the arguments have worked throughout the chamber. If this is not the strategy, it will probably hurt you to just get up there and give another 3:00 speech, developing the same cycle of arguments in the chamber. I really enjoy it when the debate on items is well developed and students are aware enough to understand when it's over and should be moving to the previous question for the vote to get to the next item in the chamber.
I have found that my ranks tend to be evaluated from the following parameters, but I do not think this is by any means the only way I would evaluate a chamber.
1st Priority--- Effective PO Procedures and chamber management. I do believe the PO is one of the most influential characters in the chamber. It is your job to have a clean and clear understanding of the parliamentarian procedures, and it is your job to reinforce the rules of the chamber. I do expect you to know the rules of the circuit for the tournament so know the differences between UIL, TFA, and NSDA.
2nd Priority---Quality of Speeches
3rd Priority--- Activity in the chamber (total) This covers # of speeches, questions, and general participation for me in the chamber
I have found that most PO in my balloting history will start in the 3 positions, and your effectiveness in this position will dictate if you move up or down from this position. I do place a premium on speeches, as I still think this is the most important piece to the event, so it will be common for my ballot that the speakers are ranked higher than POs, but if this is done well can push them to the top of a chamber but it is harder for these characters in the chamber to get my 1s.
The core question for extemp is how to get my 1. Or what is the difference between my 1 & 2?
My 1's are nearly perfect speakers, the fillers are minimal and you are doing all the extemp nuances that we are looking for in these speeches. Sources are incredibly important and more does not always equal 1 but it can be the difference. I am also looking for you to analyze and give me your insight into the topic. Working that in could be the difference between 1 & 2. Time could also be a factor in judgment. Know the rules between different circuits!
These are my weakest events to judge...That doesn't mean that I can't, just that I believe my qualifications are less in this event. I do place a premium on some of the speaking tactics over the theatrical elements (blocking). Not that I won't appreciate your movements and evaluate them throughout the performance, but it's not unheard of that someone who can tell an effective story and take me through their performance allowing me to feel what their performance is asking, will have better success with me over someone who uses blocking to communicate these moments throughout your performance. I would encourage you to utilize both throughout the performance as that is ideally what I am looking for in this performance. My best encouragement to you if I am judging your interp round, is to probably block less and what you do block, make sure that it has a purpose other than the "over-top" movements won't be as effective with me at the back of the room. I will evaluate and enjoy your performance, giving you feedback on things that I really enjoyed, and areas that I think you might want to consider growing the performance!
- I am ok with New in the 2 as long as it isn't abusive (example: pulling excessive attacks in the 1NC and then even more in the 2NC)
- I want good speaking/explaining. Don't just read to me for 8 minutes with no explanation of what you read or how it links to the case
- I want to hear clash.
- organization, speaking quality, and quality of attacks are more important to me than the number of attacks. Continue to flow it across the board and extend/elaborate on it.
- (CX) I do lean more toward stock issues - I will flow a DA & a CP. I am not opposed to K or Theory; however, my ballot will not normally come down to just the K or Theory
- (LD) In the UIL world, I want to hear the clash down the flow - Hitting as much of the case as possible (value, criterion, contentions)
- (LD) in the TFA world, I am open to any arguments as long as they are organized, there is clash and they are pulled across the flow
- I want you to outline it for me in the end. Give me good voters going down the flow along with impacts and net benefit. Don't assume I know.
- I do not time roadmaps as long as they are brief
- I am ok with speed but I need to be able to flow it
- signpost
LD - I lean towards a more traditional LD Value/Criterion debate. I'll listen to progressive argumentation, but I feel that you'll have to do more work for me to go for it. I think voters are essential.
I competed in CX, Congress, and IEs for several years but I have been competitive in pretty much everything.
I usually write very extensive ballots and try to give a line-by-line of the debate with examination of the flow in my ballots/RFD, if Tabroom is not showing that this is the case, I will have lengthy notes for you.
Policy/LD: Run whatever you want. If you can actually present it and know what you're debating, I can understand it. Open to whatever and voters are open. I tend to be very lenient in writing the ballot but I will not do all of the work for you. While I definitely have a tendency to write the ballot for people if I see where they are trying to go, I DO NOT FLOW CROSS unless you tell me to. Spreading is fine, I can handle any speed you throw at me as long as you sign post.
PF: I tend to be a more traditional PF judge just because that's how I was taught. I don't really judge PF a lot so I'm pretty much open to anything.
Congress: I should put this in all caps but if you behave unprofessionally in chamber, I will dock you. Hard. Nothing is worse to me than complete disrespect for the round, competitors, and judges. Also, I don't automatically vote you up just for being PO despite a lot of judges doing this. Don't run for PO if you don't have your Parli procedures down.
IEs: No topics are off limits and follow the parameters of the event. Not much more to say.
If you have any questions whatsoever, please feel free to email me at autumnellgass@gmail.com.
Speed isn't a problem so long as you are clear. If you read the K make sure you explain the alt
DOF @ Athens High School (TX) 2023-Present
Debated Collegiately at Texas Tech University (NPDA)
Please have specific questions about my paradigm if curious. Just asking, "what is your paradigm" is too broad of a question and we don't have time before a round to run down every little detail about how I feel about debate.
Speed - I think there is a place for spreading, I don't judge enough super fast nat circuit rounds to be accustomed to it right off in my first round of the tournament. But, I do think I can adapt rather quickly. I'm flowing on paper without the doc, so do with that what you will.
Analysis of the Circuits: I have come to develop a philosophy that between UIL & TFA/TOC CX debate; they are not doing the same event entirely. The best way I can describe the split is; UIL is focused more on eloquence & persuasion and TFA/TOC CX debate is the best representation of debate being a "game". When teaching students the difference I always compare TFA/TOC to a version of chess. The pieces represent the arguments, the first constructive's goals are to get as many pieces on the board as they can. Thats why spreading exists. Then they commence a technical game of moving pieces, absorbing the other side's, until one sides remains supreme. That being said, I believe there is immense value in learning to do both versions at a high level & will always encourage debaters to practice the skills needed to do both.
IP Topic Specific: I still believe the debate is yours and I will evaluate it how you tell me to. However, its disingenuous to deprive you of my sub-conscious opinions about the topic. I have found many of my debate opinions challenged by argument availability on this years topic. On a general level I think process cps. multiplank cps, & the use of conditionality should be restricted in debate. HOWEVER, I have become a lot less adamant about that given the lack of good generic disad ground on this topic. For T debates, interps that are contextual to the topic area are preferable. If your reading a hyper restrictive interp please be ready to answer case list questions. Especially because I don't think there is an aff currently on the topic that can meet T-Penalties.
TLDR:My overall judging philosophy can be boiled down to, I am going to take the path to the ballot that takes the least amount of judge intervention. I don't want to do any work for you, that means any warrants analysis/extensions. You do what you do best, I am pretty familiar with just about any argument you want to read. I will make my decision based on a metric established by the debaters in the round.
Flowing - I will flow on paper if space allows it. If I do open a speech doc, its to read evidence as I follow along but I'll only flow what I hear you say. I will apply arguments in the line by line where you tell me to, however, if you start spewing information without telling me where on the flow, I'll just flow the speech straight down, and some arguments will get conceded without ink next to them.
Policy -
Affs - Read one..... I'm probably better suited for affs with a plan text but you can decide that based on my analysis below on K affs & performance. Advantages need to materialize into impacts. Saying "This collapses the economy" cannot be the end all to you advantage. Explain why that matters. Whether its war, structural violence, etc.
K Affs - The K aff needs a point. Don't just read one to try and throw your opponent off their game. I like K affs and have read them a lot in HS/College. The aff should always have some FW/Roll of the Ballot for me to evaluate the round on. Also, if your kritiking the World, Debate Space, Topic, etc. explain the utility in doing so rather than taking the traditional route of reading a policy aff with a state actor.
Performance - I haven't judged much performance at all in the last 2 years, so I'm not up to date on the deployment of it. However, I did defend identity performances in high school & college. Don't just read you poem, play you song, or do a performance at the beginning and then forget about it for the rest of the round. Tell me why you doing what you did has significance in this debate and how it should shape my decision making calculus.
T- I default that the aff is topical. The neg has the burden to prove otherwise. I default to competing interps weighing offense in the standards level debate. I often find that competing interps and reasonability require essentially the same amount of judge intervention. Competing interps relies on a judges individual metric for "how much offense" is needed to win an interp, this is mirrored by "how much of a we meet" is needed to throw out T. Fairness is my favorite impact, I think education that is specific to debate can only be generated when both sides have equitable access to clash.
FW - Policy FW against K affs can be a useful strategy to have. However, i often find debaters constantly reading generic standards like Ground, Predictability without any in depth impacts to those standards. Have specific warrants about why them reading their K aff in that instance specifically is bad. You probably have little risk of winning a collapse of debate impact. K's have been read for decades and yet, here we are. Probably should go for a more proximal, in round fairness lost scenario.
DA - The more intrinsic the better. I will not evaluate links of omission unless it goes completely dropped. While I like intrinsic/specific disads i also recognize the utility in reading generics and will vote on them.
PTX - By the time I'm at a tournament again, the election will have passed. I think congress is back in session so maybe some rider da or agenda politics might be relevant. Please just update your evidence; i'm tired of judging politics debates with uniqueness evidence that is multiple months old.
CP - I like counterplan debate. I have come to accept that planks are going to be a circuit norm nowadays. I guess I'm fine with them, the only thing I ask is that if your reading more than 4+ planks and forsee it being the 2nr, you need to start collapsing in the block. Make sure you pair it with a net benefit AND solvency deficits to the Aff plan. Additionally, spend time explaining how the CP resolves the deficits you say the aff solvency has. The CP needs to AVOID the link to the net benefit, not SOLVE it. If the CP solves the link, the permutation probably does as well.
K’s - I am not as well read on k lit as I used to be. When I debated it was a lot of Cap, Baudrillard, Queer Theory, & Trans Rage literature I found myself delved into. My teams usually stay pretty basic with Cap, Security, other basics. In all K debates I will always start on the fw level to decide if they get to weigh the aff. Also, don't be afraid to kick the alt and go for it as a disad if they have good alt defense. Too many debaters ignore this as the strat and I won't evaluate it that way unless you tell me to.
Theory - I have voted in and debated some of the wackiest theory positions. As long as you have good warrants as to why your interpretation is better than you should be good. Please do interp comparison between you interp and your opponent's. That being said don't get too out there with you theory positions. I feel like you and/or your coaches should know what is a winning theory position and what is hot garbage.
Condo - I will evaluate the condo debate objectively through an evaluation of the standards argumentation. If your going for it in front of me, you have a better chance of winning it if you read a perf con standard. I've had interesting conversations with people about what it means to be "going for" an argument. Does it mean you can't kick it? Does it mean it has to be the position your staking the round on? If you could clarify this in your interp that would be great.
I have the majority of my experience judging traditional LD with values and criterions. I prefer traditional LD debate and do not typically enjoy policy arguments being brought over into this event. That does not mean that kritikal debate can't exist here, I just don't like plan text and policy affs or counterplans. If you are a quote "tricks debater" please strike me.
I have not judges PF since doing it online in 2021. I have no idea what the modern norms are. If the debate has devolved to shortened policy, please see my paradigm above.
I am a tab judge. I let the debaters frame the round. I will default stocks if the debaters do not frame the round another way.
I do not like Ks, but I will flow them. They must be run to perfection for me to vote on them.
I have no problem with new in the 2.
I can flow pretty fast, but if you are talking so fast you can't breathe then I can't flow it.
My name is Dr. Michael Mattis and I am the Director of Theater and Debate at Grand Saline High School in Grand Saline, Texas. I have been a coach for 23 years and I am an NSDA Three-Diamond Coach who has coached Multiple National Qualifiers and State Champions.
I am very tab. I would much rather you do what you do best and I will adjust to you, rather than you adjust to me.