Shawnee Mission West Forensics Invitational NIETOC
Overland Park,
Judges Paradigm List
All Paradigms:
Roderick Gayta
J C Harmon High School
Cassandra Johnson
J C Harmon High School
Ami Ladhawala
J C Harmon High School
Hilary Metzger
Leavenworth High School
Last changed on
Wed November 13, 2024 at 11:28 AM EDT
I am the Leavenworth High School Debate Coach. That being said I like to keep things classic. Please provide an off-time road map and signposting. This is extremely helpful for me, as I flow rounds when I judge, and since I'm not The Flash I can only write so fast. Use those stock issues they are there not only to help me but you as well. However, I'm not picky about the order you go in. If you are going to spread please articulate. If I can't understand you, I can't judge you. I will say "clear" once and if I still can't understand you after that, I will judge accordingly. I like K's I think they are highly entertaining. That being said if you are going to run a K, make sure you know it inside and out. Please whenever possible be able to state things in your own words. It helps me flow and proves you understand and can defend your case. If I don't see clash in the round I will get bored. You must provide this. Make sure you are reading taglines and summarizing after each card. If you are going to run a DA it needs a shell same with Topicalities. Provide a summary of the whole case at the end and walk me through your thought process. Remember new evidence in rebuttals is fine, but no new arguments. If you are AFF you have the burden of proof therefore, do not drop arguments. And finally, have fun! This is an educational exercise, but a great opportunity to make new friends.
Corey Weibel
J C Harmon High School