Debate Judges Paradigm List
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Jared Adam Hire
Maddie Augustine Hire
Marcie Baldwin Owensboro High School
Michael Baldwin Owensboro High School None
Leigh Anne Beaven Trinity High School None
Rebecca Bell Atherton None
Benjamin Breitenstein Kentucky High School Speech League None
Adrienne Brovero Hire
Simon Bullmer Kentucky High School Speech League None
Paul Buttes Assumption High School
Rachael Castillo Atherton None
Ginger Cloud Assumption High School None
Liza Devlin Hire
Lyra Duffy Kentucky High School Speech League None
Lisa Edmonds Hire
Rebecca Egger Waggener High School
Greg Erhardt Paul Laurence Dunbar HS
Chloe Feddersen Trinity High School None
Donovan Finan Kentucky High School Speech League None
Ariel Gabay Hire
Manuel Garr Grace James Academy of Excellence None
Greg Goldie Hire None
Spencer Greenhalgh Hire None
Connie Hagans Paul Laurence Dunbar HS None
Neomia Hagans Flores Paul Laurence Dunbar HS None
Caleb Hancock Lafayette High School None
David Huckleberry Hire None
Kelsey Johnson Hire None
Joseph P. Lerza Hire None
Anna Marasco-Quibrera Kentucky High School Speech League
Adrienne Matson Lafayette High School None
Lauren McBlain Hire
Ben McBride Trinity High School
Hunter McCullough Hire
Devane Murphy Hire
Clark Murray Lafayette High School None
Riley Murray Lafayette High School
Dana Niedowicz Lafayette High School None
Sawyer Noe Hire None
Rachel Page Larry A Ryle High School
Shlesha Patel Paul Laurence Dunbar HS None
Jared Rehberg Hire None
Amber Richardson Grace James Academy of Excellence None
Jeremiah Rimpson Hire
Pedro Sanchez-Villa Hire
Stacia Secreriat Waggener High School None
Suzanne Shaffar Trinity High School None
Regan E Slish Hire
Parker Smith Paul Laurence Dunbar HS
Casey Stansbury Paul Laurence Dunbar HS None
Anna Stockstill Hire
Isaiah Tracy Hire None
Rajni Vaish Paul Laurence Dunbar HS None
Meenakshi Vengarai Lafayette High School
Christopher Wahl Trinity High School None
Ethan Wallace Henry Clay High School
Miranda Whitney Highlands Latin School None
John Wieland Assumption High School None
Lisa Wieland Assumption High School None
Helen Williams Hazard High School
Jessica Wissing Trinity High School None
Jennifer Wolsing Lafayette High School None
Amy Zuccaro Trinity High School