2022 — Overland Park, KS/US

Lincoln Douglas

Abbreviation LD
Format Debate
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry Limit Per School 3
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:


1) The resolution is a proposition of value, not policy. Debaters are to develop argumentation on the resolution in its entirety, based on conflicting underlying principles and values to support their positions. To that end, they are not responsible for practical applications. No plan shall be offered by the affirmative.

2) Time limits are as follows:

1st Affirmative Constructive: 6 minutes

Negative cross Examination: 3 minutes

1st Negative Constructive: 7 minutes

Affirmative cross Examination: 3 minutes

1st Affirmative Rebuttal: 4 minutes

Negative Rebuttal: 6 minutes

2nd Affirmative Rebuttal: 3 minutes

Prep Time:3 minutes

3) In making the decision, the judges should ask the following questions:

a) Which debater was more persuasive?

b) Did the debater support his or her position appropriately, using logical argumentation throughout and evidence when necessary?

c) Which debater communicated more effectively? Speed, word choice, and delivery all count.

4) Since this is a debate, clash is necessary. It may be direct clash or clash by opposing principles. Thus, the debate does not have to match point for point.

5) Good judges make decisions only on what was debated by the contestants. If the judges consider an argument to be flawed, but the opponent does not refute it, the original argument must stand. If, however, there is a clash, then the judges decide which argument is more persuasive.

6) Judges may not discuss the progress of the debate either with each other or with the debaters.

7) The judges should distance themselves from the content of the debate. Personal values of the judges should not influence the decision.

8) The Executive Council chooses three possible Lincoln-Douglas topics at the Winter Meeting. It sends them to an outside expert for refinement and a recommendation. The First Vice President then chooses the topic and has it published so that it is announced at least 45 days before the Grand National Tournament.

9) Any rulings concerning this event are to be made by the Tab Room personnel.

10) b. Rules regarding the use of computers, electronic storage and retrieval devices, etc. default to the current rules established for the NCFL Grand National Tournament.