Madison Invitational


Radio Broadcast Journalism

Abbreviation RADIO
Format Speech
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

(5:30-6:00) Radio is a "draw" event. Students report to a room where they are given a stack of news articles. They then spend 30 minutes highlighting articles they find most interesting. Afterward, they enter the judging room one at a time. They will sit down with their news articles (not looking at the judge) and present the news as if they were a radio announcer. In addition, during the last half of the speech, the student will give a 1-2 minute editorial (or personal opinion/commentary on ONE of the news articles. 30 seconds of the broadcast must be dedicated to an original commercial. Please note, humor is effective as long as you are meeting the goal of selling a product.

Yes, I know Madison traditionally had duo radio, but with Mr. Benson's retirement, the event has been unashamedly stolen... which is okay. We're getting close to district speech tournaments, so it's probably more important that we provide the Idaho event.