Sequoyahs Autumn Argument

2022 — Canton, GA/US

Middle School Impromptu

Abbreviation MSIMP
Format Speech
Entry Fee $15.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Middle School Impromptu Speaking General Judging Instructions

- Impromptu is an informative/clever speech that is created and chosen from a selection of topics by the contestant.

- Contestant draws three topics from the envelope and chooses one. After choosing the topic, they have the option to use prep time.

- They have a total of 7 minutes of time – no more than three minutes of this allotment can be used for prep time. Penalty for overtime determined by judge’s discretion.


Thought Content: Does the speaker establish a central theme?  Does the speaker demonstrate the importance of the topic?

Organization: Is there an organized, logical expression of ideas?  Are transitions smooth and easy to follow?

Analysis/Creativity: Does the speaker use creativity when answering the topic chosen?  How well do they analyze the topic?

Delivery: Do fluency, enunciation and vocal quality enhance communication?  Are movements and gestures natural and unobtrusive?  Does vocal tone convey the meaning of the speaker?


Speaker Points Guide

50-46 Superior (S), 44-40 Excellent (E), 38-34 Good (G), Needs Improvement (NI) 32-30