2023 — Corpus Christi, TX/US

Set Design

Abbreviation SD
Format Speech
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

  • Design must be from published play
  • Must utilize a shoebox or comparable size box – approximately 8”x18” wide, with 3 walls & floor.
  • No premade furniture may be used
  • On a separate paper student must provide the following:
  • Play Title
  • Playwright
  • One paragraph summary of show
  • Quote/line of dialogue from show that captures the feeling/mood.
  • Student’s name, date, and school # must be on the back of the design and on summary page.
  • Do not write the school name anywhere on the design or summary page.
  • A printed copy of the original design MUST be attached to the back or underside of the design.