BIBSC Online Qualifier

2023 — Online, CN


Abbreviation INT
Format Speech
Entry Fee $200.00
Entry Teams of between 1 and 2 competitors

Event Description:


For this inaugural attempt to include interpretation in the events offered at BIBSC events, we will leave the rules as open-ended as possible to try and encourage participation. This event will allow students to explore competitive acting in their choice of genre, they may choose from:

Dramatic Interpretation

Duo Interpretation

Humorous Interpretation

Poetry Interpretation

Program of Oral Interpretation

Prose Interpretation

This includes categories of individual (solo) performance of dramatic (serious) and humorous literature, as well as duo performance of either emotive appeal, prose and poetry interpretation as well as program of oral interpretation - with selections drawn from published, printed: novels, short stories, plays, poetry, or other printed, published works, PDFs, e-books, as well as limited online and recorded works as provided for in the rules below.


The time limit in High School Interpretation Events (DI, Duo, HI, PO, POI, PR) is ten minutes with a 30-second “grace period.” No minimum time is mandated.

The time limit in Middle School Interpretation Events (DI, Duo, HI, PO, POI, PR) is five minutes with a 30-second “grace period.” No minimum time is mandated.


Selections used in the oral interpretation events must be cuttings from a single work of literature (one short story, play, or novel), unless poetry is used, in which case cuttings may come from one or more poems from a single source. If the source is an anthology collection of short stories, plays, or novels, each selection of literature is independent and only one selection can be used, even if it is from the same author. If the source is an anthology which includes poetry, multiple poems may be used from this single source by one or a variety of authors. Unlike the other oral interpretation events, Program Oral Interpretation may use multiple sources for the program.


The presentation may not use physical objects or costuming. During the presentation, the contestant/team must name the author and the book or magazine from which the cutting was made. Humorous, Dramatic, and Duo Interpretation selections must be presented from memory. Poetry, Program Oral Interpretation, and Prose Interpretation must use a manuscript.

In Duo Interpretation, each of the two performers may play one or more characters so long as performance responsibility in the cutting remains as balanced as possible. D. Monologues, prose, and poetry selections are acceptable in Dramatic, Humorous, and Program Oral Interpretation. In Duo Interpretation, if the selection is prose or poetry and contains narration, either or both of the performers may present the narration.