Choctaw Sting

2023 — Choctaw, OK/US

5A Foreign Extemporaneous Speaking

Abbreviation 5AFX
Format Speech
Entry Fee $4.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Extemporaneous Speaking (Foreign and Domestic)

  1. Contestants will be expected to prepare on all significant topics (within the areas of international or national) that have received emphasis in the major magazines and newspapers since September 1st of the current school year. Topics will be selected by or under the supervision of the respective tournament director and phrased in the form of a question specific enough for the judges to determine whether the speech is relevant to the topic drawn.
  2. *Speakers will draw at seven minute intervals and have thirty minutes for preparation. Students will be allowed to draw five (5) topics, from which one must be selected within a few minutes and reported to the person supervising the drawing; the topic chosen must be recorded. Speakers must remain in the extemp prep until dismissed by extemp officials. Extemp speeches, handbooks, briefs, and outline are prohibited from the extemp prep room.
  3. *Students are not to consult with coaches or others after the topic has been drawn.

4. The student must hand the question to his/her judge(s) before s/he speaks; failure to do so shall be reported to the tab room. As part of the introduction of the speech, the contestant is to state the topic in the exact words.

*5. At the end of 30 minutes, the student will deliver his speech on the recorded topic drawn. He may use no more than 50 words of notes. Numbers, symbols, and abbreviations will count as words. The judge must give card in question to the tournament director.

6. The participant is to speak not more than seven (7) minutes. Time signals will be given. No student will be penalized if time signal is not given by the timekeeper.

7. *A student may not compete in both divisions of extemporaneous speaking at any one tournament including regional and state.

8. The use of laptop computers in extemporaneous speaking is is allowed in extemp draw. The host school is not required to provide internet access.

a. Extemporaneous speaking contestants may make use of electronic retrieval devices. Extemporaneous speaking contestants may make use of electronic retrieval devices. Electronic retrieval devices are defined as laptop computers, cell phones, smart phones, netbooks, ipads, tablets or other portable device.

b. Students can retrieve extemporaneous files to read, but cannot write speeches or organize their thoughts on the computers.

c. This rule in no way prevents students from still utilizing traditional paper copy files to enable the competitor to successfully compete in extemporaneous speaking. The OSSAA takes no position on which form of file storage is preferable for use at tournaments.

d. Texting while in the preparation room is grounds for disqualification.

e. Source Materials: Students may consult published books, periodical articles, newspaper articles, think tank articles, government reports or journal articles saved on their electronic retrieval device or present in hard copy form provided:

  1. There are no notations made within or on the saved article other than citation information and subject index.
  2. Bolding, italicizing, or any other manipulation of the original text of sources (other than highlighting or underlining as previously stipulated) is prohibited.

f. Power Source: Power plugs or outlets may not be used in the prep room at any time. All computers used in the prep room must be battery operated at all times. Competitors are responsible for making certain their electronic retrieval devices are fully charged at the start of each competition day and for proper power management ensuring that their device remains functional throughout the competition day. Contestants may not use external power sources in the prep room, such as wall outlets and/or extension cords.

g. Liability: Extemporaneous speaking competitors accept full responsibility for the safety and security of their electronic retrieval devices throughout the entire course of any tournament.
1. The OSSAA does not assume any liability for the computers.
2. Students are welcome to use Kensington locks or other such devices to secure their computers in the prep room.

3. Students, parents, and coaches should be aware that the students are bringing and using the computers at their own risk.
4. The OSSAA is not responsible for lost, stolen, or broken computers. It is the coaches’ affirmative duty to make sure that students have on file a liability waiver before bringing electronic equipment to a tournament.

h. File Monitoring: The OSSAA and/or the tournament officials retain the right to view and search any electronic retrieval devices to ensure compliance with any and all rules at any tournament.

i. Devices should be muted in the prep room. Contestants should not play games or engage in other distracting activities on their electronic devices in the prep room. Tournament officials may ask a student to power-off the device if it becomes distracting.

*9. No one is allowed in the extemp draw except the contestants and tournament officials.

*10. Directly cited articles must be available upon request by the tournament director.
*11. Judges are prohibited from asking a question at the conclusion of the speech.
*12. All performances must be void of profanity, vulgarity, nudity, obscenity, and hate speech. Use of these may result in lowered ranking or disqualification by the judges and a protest filed with the tournament director.
*13. Plagiarism or falsification of evidence in oratory, extemp, or debate shall result in suspension in that event for that competition.