PHSSL Districts 1 2 3 16 Qualifier

2024 — Pittsburgh, PA/US


Abbreviation COM
Format Speech
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry Limit Per School 2
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

The speech shall not exceed five minutes in length. The speech must be delivered while the speaker is seated at a table. Up to 50 words of notes may be used.

The topics are never to be phrased in the form of a question. The topics shall be of contemporary importance and may include issues, personalities, trends, or concerns. Each round of competition shall have a different set of topics; however, the same set of topics must be used for all of the competition sections of the same round. Duplication of topics from round to round is prohibited. The student must bring the topic slip, drawn for that round to the judge, or a copy of the topic written by the prep room judge. Substituting a different topic for the topic drawn will result in disqualification from the tournament. Plagiarism or fabrication of evidence is prohibited and will result in a student being disqualified from the tournament.