Leatherstocking FL Albany Diocese National Qualifier

2024 — Asynchronous, NY/US

Original Oratory

Abbreviation OO
Format Speech
Entry Fee $0.00 (Plus $0.00/student)
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

1) The speaker should be expected to discuss with a degree of originality, and in an interesting manner, the topic chosen.

2) The speakers should be given wide latitude in the ideas they express, but they should be held closely accountable for the manner in which they are expressed. Speakers must not be penalized for expressing views with which the judge happens to disagree. It is suggested, but not obligatory, that the topic be a subject of contemporary significance.

3) The speech must be one that has been composed by the student delivering it.

4) The speech must be memorized. If the speaker refers to prepared notes of any kind or a script during the presentation, the speaker will be disqualified.

5) The number of words quoted from authors other than the contestant must not exceed 150. Extensive paraphrasing of other sources is prohibited and constitutes grounds for disqualification.

6) Original orations should be composed from the standpoint of the present speaker. However, the use of a persona for a maximum length of 1 minute shall be permitted.

7) Visual and audio-visual aids are not permitted. No properties or costumes of any kind may be used. Using “properties” means manipulating articles of clothing or objects to enhance the performance. Speakers using properties and/or wearing costumes will be disqualified. While singing is permitted, it should not be excessive or dominate the performance. Judges’ ranks may reflect if singing has dominated the performance. Positions other than standing should not be excessive in length or dominate the performance.

8) Time limits: Maximum - 10 minutes. If the speaker goes over a 30 second grace period, that contestant must not be awarded first place. No minimum time.