Lawrence High School Invitational Forensics Tournament

2025 — Lawrence, KS/US

Sat - Improvised Duet Acting

Abbreviation IDA
Format Speech
Entry Fee $8.00
Entry Limit Per School 6
Entry 2 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Improvisational Duet Acting (IDA)-- Improvised duet acting shall be defined as an improvised acting exercise composed of two students who portray an original scene created after drawing the subject. The scene should establish two characters, a situation or problem and a solution to the conflict. Improvised Duet Acting shall not be more than seven (7) minutes in length with a minimum of four (4) minutes.

This shall include the introduction. If an official timekeeper is assigned, participants shall be penalized if the time limits are not observed. An actor may portray only one character throughout the seven (7) minute presentation. No additional characters can be used for the introduction. A brief narrated introduction shall be used in establishing the setting and the characters in the scene. All dialogue must be the original work of the contestants. Stage properties or costumes shall be prohibited with the exception of two (2) chairs and a table. Standing on the table is not permitted.