Brookings Fall Fest

2024 — Brookings, SD/US


Abbreviation poet
Format Speech
Entry Fee $3.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Section 11. POETRY READING. Literature for the poetry contest event shall be selected by the contestants. They shall choose poetry to develop one theme or to illustrate the abilities, moods or characteristics of one author. If they choose to develop a theme, the contestants may select the works of one or more authors. In any case, the poetry may be one long selection, a cutting from a longer selection, or a series of short selections. The contestants may include in their presentation such introductory or transitory remarks as are necessary to establish mood and to orient the audience properly. Only poetry from the best of literature should be used. This includes plays. The poetry in the selection must have been copyrighted and published in either electronic or print form and be available to the public. The use of a manuscript is optional. The maximum time of presentation, including the introduction and transitory remarks, is ten minutes.