Murrah Sept Scrimmage

2024 — Jackson, MS/US

Informative Speaking

Abbreviation A-INFO
Format Speech
Entry Fee $10.00
Entry Limit Per School 10
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:


  • Speeches in informative generally have some combination of problems, causes, and implications (or what the topic means to society as a whole).

  • A visual aid is allowed and preferred. It may not be digital or involve electricity.

  • The speech must be an original composition of the contestant designed to inform, not to entertain primarily. A copy of the speech must be present at the tournament for verification purposes. The copy should include a current bibliography of all sources used.

  • The speech should describe, clarify, illustrate, or define an object, idea, concept or process. It should not be persuasive.

  • A fabricated topic/subject may not be used.

  • An Informative speech may not include any portion of a student’s Original Oratory and/or Expository Speech if entered at the same tournament.

  • The maximum time of this event is ten (10) minutes. There is no minimum time limit. There is a 30-second grace period. Students who exceed the time limit by more than thirty seconds should not be given first place in the round.

  • No animal or other people may be used as aids or aides. Items of dress put on and removed during the course of the presentation are considered costumes and may not be part of the contestant’s presentation.

  • The speech should be memorized.