Borah Novice

2024 — Boise, ID/US


Abbreviation Cong
Format Congress
Entry Fee $8.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

There will be a single, novice division of Congressional Debate. Chambers will be composed of no more than 15 members, although 10 is the target. Competition will feature three sessions that are 2.5 hours long. In the first session the parliamentarian will act as PO. In subsequent sessions students should conduct PO elections. No legislation will be accepted from participating schools; instead, the tournament will use the D3 Fall 2024 Legislation Packet. Legislation will be posted on Chambers will be responsible for setting their own agenda. There will not be a final round so no legislation will be reserved. Students who end in the top 3 of their chamber will be recognized at the end of the tournament. This event will follow NSDA rules.

GUIDELINES for Electronic Device Use in Congressional Debate

The use of internet enabled electronic devices is permitted. Students may not use the internet to gain help from coaches, other students, or any person, such that it would prevent the speech from being the original work of the competitor. Electronic device use must comply with the “Guidelines for Electronic Device Use in Debate Events.”