Ascent October Showcase

2024 — TW


Abbreviation JS
Format Debate
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry Teams of between 1 and 4 competitors

Event Description:


Pro Case

2 (mins)

Con Case




Pro Rebuttal


Con Rebuttal




Pro Summary


Con Summary


Grand Cross-fire


Pro Final Focus


Con Final Focus


Pro Prep Time


Con Prep Time


This tournament will use SPAR spontaneous debate topics with the Public Forum structure learned in class. There will be 10 minutes to prepare the topic with a partner.

Topic is impromptu debate and rotates each round to a new topic. Check tabroom for topic. Judges will announce in their room ten minutes before the round starts.

Each team has ten minutes before the round to prepare their side. NO internet and NO prepared evidence allowed AT ANY POINT for research or preparation. Students should only use offline methods for preparation (e.g. pen, pencil, and paper).

Judges: Do NOT announce winners. You may give verbal feedback but do not mention winners.

JV students have the opportunity to flip for sides/order. Judge needs to enter the result into tabroom.

Make sure teams are in the right room with correct opponents.

All time requirements must be strictly enforced. Do not allow students or audience to interrupt others during their protected speech. Competitors cannot ask for outside help about the content of the debate during the debate but they may ask for clarification of rules. A student may only speak during their turn and their partner speaking does not count toward their team's arguments if it is not their turn.

Judge based on the team that provided the best and clearest logic to prove their side is preferable. Teams should compare impacts, evaluate examples, and explain why to prefer their warrants. The winning team should have the best logic to substantiate why their impacts are most important. Do not allow your personal bias affect your decision. English issues should not affect your decision. Communication ability can factor into your decision but should not be the primary factor. Superior presentation style should be factored into speaker ranking instead of deciding the winning side.

Judges may give verbal feedback after the round if the round was not delayed and students do not have to go to the next round. Let students who need to begin the speech round go immediately.