WVSDA State Speech and Debate

2025 — Morgantown, WV/US

Public Forum Debate

Abbreviation PF
Format Debate
Entry Fee $14.00
Entry Limit Per School 3
Entry 2 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Starting the round: EVERY round begins with a coin toss; the winning team has the option of choosing either the side (pro or con) or the speaking order (first or second) in the round; the losing team makes the remaining choice, either side or speaking order. AFTER the coin toss, record the following (the team on the left speaks first and should sit to the judge’s left).

Judging considerations:

Judges should decide the round as it is debated, not based on their personal beliefs.

Debaters should advocate or reject the resolution in manner clear to the non-specialist citizen judge (i.e., jury). Clash of ideas is essential to debate.

Debaters should display solid logic and reasoning, advocate a position, utilize evidence, and communicate clear ideas using professional decorum.

Neither the pro nor con is permitted to offer a plan or counterplan, defined as a formalized, comprehensive proposal for implementation. Rather, they should offer reasoning to support a position of advocacy. Debaters may offer generalized, practical solutions.

Crossfire time should be dedicated to questions and answers rather than reading evidence. Evidence may be referred to extemporaneously.

No new arguments may be introduced in the Final Focus; however, debaters may include new evidence to support prior arguments.

Rate each speaker from 20 to 30: 20-23 = Below average; 24-26 = Average; 27-28 = Above average; 29-30 = Outstanding. Scores below 20 may be awarded only in cases of unethical or inappropriate behavior.