Bishop Blanchet High School Middle School Invitational
2024 — Seattle, WA/US
Open Duo Interpretive Reading
Event Description:
1. A Dual program using material from ONE OR MORE pieces (titles) of prose, poetry, or drama (monologue is me permitted). The title(s) and author(s) must be identified. Multiple characters are acceptable.
2. The presentation can be read from a script or memorized. Props, makeup, and costumes are not permitted. The contestants should be evaluated on poise, quality, and use of voice, physical expression, and, especially, the ability to interpret characters correctly and consistently. Minimal body movement.
3. The two contestants will have off stage focus. Interaction (eye contact) may occur during the introduction/transition(s). There will be no physical contact.
4. The time limit for this event is EIGHT (8) MINUTES. If the speakers go over a 30 second grace period the contestants may not be awarded first place in the round. No minimum time limits.
5. Record time of speech. Rank should have no ties for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.