ASDCA Winter Trophy
2024 — Tempe, AZ/US
Extemp Speaking (D-II)
Event Description:
This event is for Division 2 Schools only. If you are Division 1 school please register for Extemporaneous Speaking (D-I)
EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING: An extemporaneous speech is has a 7-minute time limit with a 30 second grace period. The speech should contain cited sources, and the speaker may use one (1) note card. The length of the performance within the time limit should not be a criterion for scoring the performance.
JUDGE'S INSTRUCTIONS: Please rank the competitors 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, etc. NO TIES. (1st is best.) Please assign speaker points that correspond with the ranks. The competitor who receives a rank of 1 must be given higher speaker points than the competitor who receives a rank of 2, etc. (Highest - 50, Lowest - 20).
COMMENTS: This is an educational activity, and these students deserve a quality critique that will help them understand what they need to do to improve and why they received the rank and points you gave them. As a result, you must write a minimum of 35 words on each competitor's ballot.