Revere Fall Fest

2024 — Revere, MA/US

Original Oratory

Abbreviation OO
Format Speech
Entry Fee $10.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Oratory is a memorized event in which the student presents original thought and commentary on a topic of his/her choice. Generally, but not always, the speech is of a persuasive nature. A maximum of 150 directly quoted words is allowed in the oration. Students must use their own work, and may not copy the same speech or substantial sections of the same speech as another contestant. Students in Original Oratory are responsible for the accuracy of citations of evidence. Students must cite facts and analysis from source material accurately and in keeping with the author’s intent. Judges may request to see original copies of the sources cited, and bring discrepancies to the attention of the tournament director
Time: 10 minute maximum, including introduction (30 second grace); no minimum