Leatherstocking Forensics League Kick Off November

2024 — West Winfield, NY/US

Dramatic Interpretation

Abbreviation DI
Format Speech
Entry Fee $0.00 (Plus $5.00/student)
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

1) The speaker must offer a memorized dramatic presentation. If the speaker refers to prepared notes of any kind or a script during the presentation, the speaker will be disqualified.

2) The presentation must be from a single published play, single published script, or single fictional or non-fictional work, not poetry. It is the affirmative obligation of all NCFL coaches to ensure that all materials presented in interpretation events must be available and readily accessible to all members of the league. At the NCFL tournament, coaches should bring an original script with an ISBN, ISSN, or IFFN, or eBook Number and Library Name. If the script does not have an ISBN, ISSN, or IFFN, or eBook Number and Library Name, the coach or supervising adult must be able to show that the script was purchased or obtained commercially; ie. from a literary agent or publisher or bill of sale or that the manuscript is publicly accessible by a simple internet search or by a URL not requiring passwords or access codes and the retrieval date. Lines which are attributed to one character in a published play or script must not be attributed to another character in the performance. The author's words as published in the literature must not be altered for the presentation with the exception that cutting is permitted. Material being performed at the NCFL tournament must match the student’s original script.

3) The presentation may be either serious or humorous and should have some literary merit. Important consideration should be given to the quality of the selection.

4) While singing is permitted, it should not be excessive or dominate the performance. Judges’ ranks may reflect if singing has dominated the performance.

5) Single or multiple-character cuttings will be allowed. When doing a multiple-characterization the performer should create effective interaction between the characters.

6) Although this is primarily a display of vocal ability, body language will play a part in the overall performance, and since it is a drama, more vocal and physical suggestion may be required in order to portray characters, conflict, and story. However, no physical action should be performed that will distract the listeners' attention from the drama being presented. The performance should display another world outside the performance setting. Positions other than standing should not be excessive in length or dominate the performance.

7) No properties or costumes of any kind may be used. Using “properties” means manipulating articles of clothing or objects to enhance the performance. Speakers using properties and/or wearing costumes will be disqualified.

8) Time limits: Maximum - 10 minutes, including introductory and transitional material other than the author's words. Material thus used should be limited to one minute. If the speaker goes over a 30 second grace period, that contestant may not be awarded first place. No minimum time.