2025 Greenhorn Novice Invitational at Cajon High School

2025 — San Bernardino, CA/US

Novice Tall Tales

Abbreviation N TT
Format Speech
Entry Fee $12.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Pattern A

Rules for Tall Tales:

1. When it is the speaker's turn, the judge will provide the competitor with a slip of paper with three words. The speaker must incorporate all three words into their story.

2. Once the competitor has their prompts, they have six minutes to prepare and present. The time may be split between prep and speaking as the competitor sees fit. The full six minute time begins as soon as the competitor sees their three words.

3. The judge should provide oral time signals during prep and hand time signals while the competitor is speaking. Once the speaker is ready, they must return the slip to the judge, and use no notes during delivery.

4. Stories should be outrageous and exaggerated, and must have a beginning, a middle, and an end.

5. Judges should reward creativity, story structure, exaggeration, and inventive use of the assigned three words.

6. No speaker who fails to incorporate all three words into the speech should be ranked ahead of a speaker who did use all three words.

Tall Tales should be fun! The goal is for the competitor to create a tall tale - a story with unbelievable elements, related as if it were true and factual.