Thunderville Joust

2025 — Idaho Falls, ID/US

Panel Discussion

Abbreviation PAN
Format Speech
Entry Fee $8.00
Entry Limit Per School 8
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Panel Discussion - 40-minute round with no time penalties
1. Event Procedure: Panel members do not make formal speeches but remain seated and discuss the topic informally. Notes may be taken during the discussion. Emphasis is on problem solving through engaging presentation of ideas, civil discourse, and unique perspectives, not group consensus.. Panelists should be familiar with the topic and be preparedto discuss facts and opinions. Contestants may bring a pen or pencil and research limited to one page, one sided (8.5 x 11) to the round. Introductions should be no more than one minute per competitor and should be limited to your name, entry code, and a thesis statement that represents your initial view on the topic. Conclusions should be limited to one minute per competitor and be a reminder of their name, entry code, and their final thought on the topic.

2. Selection of Topics: At the state tournament, each topic will be used once. A blind draw at the beginning of the tournament will determine which topics are used for all preliminary rounds as well as the semifinal and final rounds.

3. Time: This event has a 40-minute maximum. Time signals are provided. Students may time themselves for reference, but the judge is the official timekeeper of the round.