Permian HS Invitational

2025 — Odessa, TX/US

Calculator Applications

Abbreviation Cal
Entry Fee $10.00
Entry Teams of between 1 and 10 competitors

Event Description:


(1) Purpose. The Calculator Applications Contest trains students in efficient problem solving strategies involving calculations in the areas of engineering, science and mathematics.

(2) Format. The contest includes calculations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, roots, powers, exponentiation, logarithms, trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions, iterative solutions for transcendental equations, differential and integral calculus, elementary statistics and matrix algebra. In addition to straightforward calculation problems, the contest shall include geometric and stated problems similar to those found in recently adopted high school algebra, geometry, trigonometry, pre-calculus and calculus textbooks, previous contests, and UIL materials related to the contest.

(3) Calculators. Refer to the contest handbook for restrictions on calculators.

(4) Late Arrivals. Qualified contestants not present when the tests are distributed will be disqualified.


(1) Individual Competition. Each member high school may enter as many as six individuals in the district meet, which may be limited to a maximum of four individuals with district executive committee approval.

(2) Team Competition. A school shall have a minimum of three contestants compete in order to participate in the team competition. All four members of the winning team will advance to the next higher level of competition.


Individuals, teams and wildcards qualify for the next level of competition according to Section 902.

(d) TIES.

(1) Individual Competition. In the event of a tie, the higher place shall be given to the contestant gaining the most points on stated and geometric problems. If the same number of points are gained on stated and geometric problems, then a tie exists.

(2) Team Competition. Refer to Section 902 (h)(3)(D).