TOC ASIA 2024 Fall Championships
2024 — CN
Event Description:
TOC ASIA Speech & Debate Impromptu Speaking
Time limit: 7min with a 30s "grace period"
Online Procedures
Impromptu is a limited-preparation event wherein speakers have only seven minutes and thirty seconds to both prepare and present a speech on a topic drawn at random. In online tournaments, a centralized draw room is used for the drawing of topics. Speakers are then dispatched to breakout rooms with their judges.
Draw Room Procedures
Contestants and judges shall report to a Tencent Meeting-based (or other equivalent video conferencing software) draw room for instructions, draw and dispatch.
1. All participants should wait for their turn in the breakout room according to thepairing, the building manager will invite each participant to the draw room to
choose their topics.
2. Contestants waiting to draw should leave their video on and their audio off.
3. The building manager shall coordinate the drawing and selection of topic at each contestant’s turn.
4. Once the topic has been selected, the building manager shall immediately dispatchthe contestant to a breakout room where the judge will start the timer.
Instruction for Impromptu Judges
1. Timing begins as soon as the contestant enters the breakout room and confirmstheir topic and name with the judge.
2. Contestants may time themselves. However, the judge maintains the official timefor the round.
3. Judges should actively troubleshoot audio issues caused by technology or the Internet.
- Don’t interrupt for a few seconds of voice pixelation (“robot voice”).
- Do interrupt if you consistently cannot hear someone because of a tech issue.
4. It is recommended to have the speaker test their audio before they speak.
- For example, have the contestant state their code and the title or topic.
- Any time for audio testing is “off the clock” and is neither scored nor ranked.
Judging Impromptu Speaking
The Impromptu speech should be regarded as an original interpretation by the speakerof the designated prompt as supported by varied materials and gives a contestant opportunity to be creative and imaginative. An impromptu speech should reveal the student’sability to organize his thoughts in a logical manner.