Lighthouse Forensics 4n6 Series Rose CANCELED

2025 — Online, US

Duet Acting

Abbreviation DA
Format Speech
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry 2 competitors per entry

Event Description:

  • Length

    • The time limit is ten minutes with a 30-second grace period. If an entry exceeds the grace period, they cannot be ranked 1st. There are no other prescribed penalties for going over the grace period.

    • The decision on rankings is at the judges' discretion. Judges must use accurate timing devices.

  • Material

    • Must be cuttings from a single work of literature (one short story, play, or novel), unless poetry is used, in which case cuttings may come from one or more poems from a single source. If the source is an anthology collection of short stories, plays, or novels, each selection must be independent, and only one selection can be used. For poetry anthologies, multiple poems from the same source may be used.

    • Source Requirements:

      • Print Publications: Original source must be a physical book or e-book; photocopies are not acceptable.

      • Digital Printed Publications: Must be publicly accessible via a simple internet search or URL not requiring passwords. A printed manuscript is also required for protests.

      • PDFs: Must be publicly accessible; a printed copy is required for protests.

      • Digital Unprinted Publications: Must be publicly accessible; an official transcript is required.

    • Competitors must present the original source upon request. For PDFs and ebooks, unaltered formats must be provided. For digital publications, a printed manuscript must be available.

  • Performance

    • Any changes to eliminate profanity or for transitions must be clearly indicated in ink. Enhancements for effect are not allowed.

    • Each performer may take on multiple roles, ensuring balanced performance responsibility.

    • Costumes and props are not permitted, except for two chairs provided or brought by the performers. Performances must be from memory with on-stage focus encouraged.

  • Artistic Plagiarism

    • Direct imitation of previous performances or video media is prohibited. Artistic plagiarism penalties can range from lowering the ranking to disqualification. Proof of plagiarism must include video evidence and written verification.