Lighthouse Forensics 4n6 Series Rose CANCELED
2025 — Online, US
Informative Speaking
Event Description:
The time limit is ten minutes with a 30-second grace period. If an entry exceeds the grace period, they cannot be ranked 1st. There are no other prescribed penalties for going over the grace period.
The decision on rankings is at the judges' discretion. Judges must use accurate timing devices.
Must be an original composition of the contestant. The speech should explain, define, describe, or illustrate a particular subject. The general purpose of the speech is for the audience to gain understanding and/or knowledge of a topic. Any other purpose such as to entertain or to convince shall be secondary. The use of audio/visual aids is optional.
Competitors must present a manuscript and works cited upon request.
The performance must be from memory.
Audio/visual aids may or may not be used to supplement and reinforce the message. If used, the audio/visual aids should enhance or support the message rather than distract from the overall effectiveness of the presentation.
During the presentation, no electronic equipment is permitted. Electronic equipment is defined as any object requiring an electrical cord, battery, or solar power to operate it (projectors, cell phones, radios, iPads, computers, etc.).
The use of live animals or any additional people as visual aids is not allowed during the speech. Items of dress put on and/or removed for illustration during the course of the presentation are considered costumes and may not be part of the contestant’s presentation.
Visual aids may not violate policies as dictated by local and state law (weapons, drugs, etc.)
Contestants may not distribute items to the judges or audience before, during, or after the round. This includes but is not limited to food, objects, handouts, flyers, and promotional merchandise.
Expedient set up and take down of aids is expected. If a visual aid displays published pictorial material, the source must be included in the work-cited page but does not need to be cited orally.
Not more than 150 words of the speech may be direct quotation and such quotations must be identified orally.
Artistic Plagiarism
Direct imitation of previous performances or video media is prohibited. Artistic plagiarism penalties can range from lowering the ranking to disqualification. Proof of plagiarism must include video evidence and written verification.