Spartan Invitational
2025 — Center Valley, PA/US
Oral Interp
Event Description:
1. A given round will feature either all poetry or all prose selections. 2. The selection should be literature, either as a single piece, a cutting, or a series of short pieces united by theme or by author. Literature includes all forms of prose or poetry, fiction or non-fiction, except plays and oratorical compositions written to be delivered in real life situations. The author’s words as published in the literature may not be altered for this performance with the exception that cutting is permitted. Any singing must be limited to a maximum of thirty (30) seconds total within the presentation. 3. Since this is to be a reading, the interpreters must use a manuscript. 4. Speakers may not take lines belonging to one character and apply them to a different character in the performance. 5. No costumes or properties may be used. 6. The selection must be delivered from center stage. Movement and gestures, if used, should be appropriate to the selection. Walking is not permitted. 7. The presentation should not exceed 10 minutes, including at most one minute of introduction and transitional material other than the author’s words. Judges may not award first place to any contestant that performs beyond the thirty-second grace period. 8. Any questions regarding rules infringement should be brought to the attention of the Tabulation Room Staff immediately after the round, and not to the student.