2025 — Online, CN
Public Forum Debate
Event Description:
TOC ASIA Speech & Debate - Public Forum Debate
Resolved: The United states should accede to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
This tournament will have a total of 5 preliminary rounds and the finals.
Students MAY use the internet to do research during the round. Students MAY NOT communicate with anyone not involved in the round (partner, opponents, and judges). This includes digital communication. Any Gener- ative AI products (such as, but not limited to, ChatGPT) may not be used in any way once the coin flip has occurred for the round. The TOC Committee has the final right of say whether a website/product/app is allowed.
Students who cite evidence must be able to provide access to the original text of the evidence. If a student has paraphrased, they must be able to show the section they have paraphrased from. If the student reads direct evidence, they must provide the exact text of the evidence as read. This must include a link to the original source. Personal communication with a source is NOT valid evidence.
Evidence Checks
A team has one minute to produce a piece of evidence on request from the opposing team. Once the evidence has been supplied, the team requesting the evidence shall begin to use their preparation time to read the evidence. If a team provides a debate card with exact wording, the team requesting the evidence may NOT extend the one-minute evidence check time to open the link; they must do that with their own preparation time.
Failed Evidence Checks
If the team cannot produce the evidence within one minute, the team using the evidence may either begin their preparation time to continue to find the evidence OR may choose to disregard the evidence. If the evidence is disre- garded, the judge shall view it as an analytic argument made by the student with no source.
Unless instructed otherwise by TOC ASIA Staff (a “Silent Round”) judges shall disclose the team they voted for and give a brief explanation of why they voted for the team they did. Debaters may ask short questions of the judge. The post-round discussion shall be cordial and respectful. The TOC ASIA Organizing Committee reserves the right to sanction (up to and including disqualification/removal from the tournament) any competitor who verbally abuses judges or competitors or any judge who gives feedback that is inappropriate.