Tournament of Champions

2021 — Lexington, KY/US

Observers + Entourage Rule

As is the case with the in-person Tournament of Champions, observers are welcome to spectate rounds of competition.

Observers must be registered on Tabroom. There will be two categories, one for students and one for adults. The category for adults is reserved for parents and adults who are not contributing to the competitive efforts of a particular school.

All adults who wish to observe rounds at the tournament and are contributing to the competitive efforts of a team must be in the judge pool.

Observers must have a signed honor code on file. 

For Policy anyone observing the tournament that contributes to the competitive debate effort for a school must be entered into the judge pool for a minimum of three rounds. For Public Forum and Lincoln-Douglas anyone attending the tournament that contributes to the competitive debate effort for a school must be entered into the judge pool for a minimum of two rounds. For Speech, anyone attending the tournament that contributes to the competitive effort for a school must be entered in the judge pool. This includes any volunteers contributing debate or speech work. Parents (who are not also coaches) and chaperones do not need to be in the pool. Any school found violating this rule will be issued a $500 fine.