CFL State Quals Debate

2021 — Online, CA/US

CFL State Qualifier Tournament--Policy Debate, Parliamentary Debate, Lincoln Douglas, Public Forum

March 5-6, 2021 platform



Resolved: The United States federal government should enact substantial criminal justice reform in the United States in one or more of the following: forensic science, policing, sentencing.

Parli Topic Areas: TBA

LD: Resolved: The United States ought to guarantee universal child care. 

PF: Resolved: On balance, the benefits of creating the United States Space Force outweigh the harms.

9 Qualifiers for LD, 9 for PF

All judges can expect to be assigned to all 4 events. All Saturday judges need to be available for both potential elimination rounds.


Costs (per Article XI Section 3 of CFL Bylaws):

Entry Fees: $21 per student ($42 per team)

Nuisance Fees:

Drops after drop deadline: $22 per dropped entry

Drops less than 24 hours before the tournament: $53 per entry

[after tournament has been paneled]

Judge Requirements (per the CFL Board Manual Article XXVI):

1 judge for every 2 students (1 judge PER team, 1 judge per 2 LDers)

Important Dates:

February 11, 2021: Registration opens

March 1, 2021: Registration closes (entries due)

March 3, 2021: Judges due, drops due, nuisance fines apply



During the tournament,  use the slack chat box on the bottom right of the page to ask questions and report missing students/judges.



Additional Notes:

-Registration for this tournament will follow the following rules per Article XIV Section 4.A:

3.Eligible contestants shall have had at least one varsity win in a CFL competition during the current season. One entry per event from each school may enter without a varsity win in each qualifier. Debaters who were undefeated in a CFL preliminary tournament shall be awarded a wild card. Those debaters given wild-card entries do not count against the school limit. Debate teams shall receive their wild card as a team.


Covid-era Entry Rules: Each school is allowed 5 entries in each of the debate events. One entry per event can have the 1 varsity win exception.


 -This tournament uses electronic balloting

As such, every judge must have a linked Tabroom account and an electronic device prior to the start of the tournament.

It is the coach’s responsibility to ensure that their judges have Tabroom accounts that are linked.

-Please note that in order to compete at the State Qualifier series, your school MUST be BOTH a California High School Speech Association (CHSSA) Member AND a Coast Forensic League (CFL) Member. Your entries will remain on the Waitlist until you are a member of both CHSSA and the CFL.


Schedule [Rounds are subject to be moved forward if time permits]:

Friday, March 5:

Check-in: 4:00-4:45pm

Schools not checked in by 4:45pm by their legal chaperone, in person, will be dropped from the tournament.

Judge Instructions: 4:45-5:00 (all judges should have skimmed all 4 events google slides ahead of the tournament)


Round 1 Ballots Released 4:45


Round 1: 5:00pm Round 1 must start (Parli starts 5:10)

Parli - Flight A Topic announce: 4:50


Round 2: 7:30pm Rounds must start! (parli starts 7:40)

Parli - Flight A Topic announce: 7:20




Saturday March 6:

Judge Instructions: 8:45-9:00

Round 3 Ballots Released 8:45


Round 3: 9:00 Round 3 nust start!

Parli - Flight A Topic announce: 8:50


Round 4:  11:30 Round 4 must start!

Parli - Flight A Topic announce: 11:10


Round 5: 2:00

Parli - Flight A Topic announce: 1:40


Elimination Round 1 (If necessary): 4:00

Elimination Round 2 (If necessary): 6:00


Awards Follow as Soon As Possible!!