Blacksnake NIETOC

2021 — Pocatello, ID/US

Novice Policy

In Novice Policy, we would like to keep novice restricted to making a limited set of arguments, but will not be restricting their use of evidence to the evidence provided in NDCA or the Idaho Novice Packet. We feel that students will benefit from doing research and cutting their own cards to ensure that their arguments are up to date and pertinent. There is a link to a folder with a combination of NDCA and Idaho Novice Packet Evidence to help novice and ensure they all start with the same materials: Novice Starter Files 

Please let me know if you have questions or concerns. 

Aff Case Areas:

Facial Recognition Technology

Death Penalty

Defund Police

Implicit Bias Training

Abolish ICE

Decriminalize Marijuana

Qualified Immunity


Neg Off-Case:

All Topicality arguments

States C/P

ANY DA the students want to write!


Students should be prepared to answer the DAs that student have been running which include:

Court Packing DA

Federalism DA

Movements DA

Stimulus Politics DA

Crime DA

Police Vilification DA