Golden Desert NIETOC Qualifier

2020 — NSDA Campus, NV/US

Synchronous Extemp Schedule

Varsity Extemp will happen live on Friday, 11/13 for DX prelims, and Saturday, 11/14, for IX prelims and both Extemps' out rounds, utilizing the NSDA Campus Platform.


Draw will happen in a "Utility Room" starting at 3pm on Friday and 9am on Saturday. Competitors will register their choice and remain in their prep room for their 30 minutes of prep.


Friday Schedule:

Round 1 DX Draw: 3pm

Round 2 DX Draw: 4:30pm

Round 3 DX Draw: 6pm


Saturday Schedule:

Round 1 IX Draw: 9am

Round 2 IX Draw: 10:30am

Round 3 IX Draw: 12pm


Outrounds will alternate as necessary for cross-entry.


Cross-entered competitors will be prioritized at the end of their next outround panel but enter at their own risk. Extemp Finals will not be live-streamed:

Final DX: 1:30pm

Final IX: 2:50pm


All rounds will run sooner if they can. Competitors should go to prep the minute they receive a blast.