VHSL Region 5B Forensics

2021 — NSDA Campus, VA/US

Welcome to the 2021 VHSL Region 5B Forensics Tournament!

Main coach and judge ZOOM ROOM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82766334629?pwd=Ujc0NGRWcldVR3BQLzBXczNHNXJrdz09



Registration:                                          8:00 AM–8:30 AM

Judges' Meeting/Extemp Draw:     9:00 AM–9:30 AM

ROUND 0                                                  9:30 AM–9:45 AM

ROUND 1                                                 10:00 AM–11:00 AM

ROUND 2                                                 11:30 AM–12:30 PM

AWARDS                                                  1:30 PM


Please register your team using the "Register" tab on this site. Prior to the tournament, your students and judges *must* create their own accounts on tabroom.com in order to see their rounds!

When registering your team, please register one judge for every four entries (or fraction thereof) your team has. Coaches may serve as judges. and all judges will be paid $25 for the day.

The schedule above is tentative. Based on the number of entries, we may decide a third round is warranted. As running virtual tournaments is a new frontier, there may also be some delays throughout the day (but hopefully not!). The "Round 0" listed above will be a brief dummy round so that everyone can see how the virtual rooms will work and make sure their devices are able to function appropriately.

The top three finishers in each category will advance to the VHSL Super-Region 5AB tournament, to be held on February 20, 2021. Results and critique sheets will be available on tabroom.com at the conclusion of the tournament.

Extemporaneous Speaking Topics for 2020-2021 Regionals!

Round 1 – American politics

Round 2 – Coronavirus

Round 3 – Economy

We look forward to seeing you! Feel free to contact Daniel Cheatham at daniel_cheatham@ccpsnet.net or Heather Murfee at heather_murfee@ccpsnet.net if you have any questions!