Lawrence High Spring Debate Invitational

2021 — Lawrence HS Online, KS/US

Welcome to the Lawrence High Spring Online Debate Tournament 2021.

We will offer Congressional Debate with both a Senate with up to 2 members per school, and House chambers numbering no more than 12 competitors. Schools with entries in these events will have no judging burden for those entries. We will debate the East Kansas NSDA Docket #2. The link to that legislation is on the right side of your screen.

We will also offer Lincoln-Douglas Debate and Public Forum Debate. Schools with entries in these events are required to provide one judge per 2 entries, or portion thereof. We will also recruit some judges, so I hope to lower this burden as we move forward. In order to keep this tournament on time, Rounds 1 and 2 will be pre-set, and the remainder will be delay power-matched.

We will announce the top 6 finalists in each Congressional Debate chamber, as well as the top 6 entries in LD and PFD. Medals will be mailed to schools at the conclusion of the tournament.