Grey Matter Invitational at Cary Academy

2021 — NSDA Campus, NC/US

Event Rules

Lincoln Douglas Debate will follow NSDA rules including 4 minutes of prep time. To be eligible to compete in Novice a student must be in their first year of high school forensic competition or if they have competed previous to this school year can have competed in no more than 2 tournaments in any event. Both divisons will debate the NSDA November-December topic: Resolved: A just government ought to recognize an unconditional right of workers to strike.

Public Forum will follow NSDA rules including 3 minutes of prep time. To be eligible to compete in Novice a student must be in their first year of high school forensic competition or if they have competed previous to this school year can have competed in no more than 2 tournaments in any event. Both divisons will debate the NSDA November-December topic: Resolved: Increased United States federal regulation of cryptocurrency transactions and/or assets will produce more benefits than harms.

Congressional Debate will follow NSDA rules unless otherwise specified. All chambers will be designated as a Senate and with the use of direct questioning. The tournament will provide legislation with each session corresponding to a different topic area. The order of debate in each session will be dictated in the legislation packet. Before precedence is established the presiding-officer will recognize students based on a randomly generated list of speakers provided by the tournament.

Declamation will follow NCFL rules including the provision that no 11th of 12th grade students may enter.

Dramatic Interpretation will follow NSDA rules.

Duo Interpretation will follow NSDA rules.

Extemporaneous Speaking will follow NSDA rules and be a mixed division of both US and International topic areas.

Humorous Interpretation will follow NSDA rules.

Impromptu Speaking will follow NSDA rules including topics selected from proverbs, abstract words, events, quotations, and famous people.

Informative Speaking will follow NSDA rules including the prohibition on electric equipment, animals, or additional people as visual aids.

Oral Interpretation will follow NCFL rules and will begin the rotation will Prose in the first round.

Original Oratory will follow NSDA rules.

Program of Oral Interpretation will follow NSDA rules.

All speech events will allow a 30 second grace period. Students whose times fall within the 30 second grace period may not be marked down due to going overtime. Any students who exceed the grace period may not be ranked first, but may be ranked as high as second based on the discretion of the judge.


Links to NSDA and NCFL rules: