Seaman HS Fall Classic Debate

2021 — Topeka, KS/US

You have reached the USD 345/Seaman High School Fall Classic, scheduled for Saturday, October 2nd, 2021

Before proceeding, be aware of the following:

This is a live, in-person debate event

However, we reserve the right to limit entries, drop entries, or move the tournament online as dictated by public health mandates/conditions 


Currently, we will have the following restrictions in place:

~All competitors, coaches, and judges must be masked except when eating/drinking

~Entry numbers are capped to allow for adequate social distancing

~Please, no spectators, even younger debaters; we want to keep numbers in the room low, and have accurate records for contact tracing, if necessary

~Teams will be assigned areas, either classrooms or a region of the commons area; we ask that teams remain with their cohort in their assigned area when not debating 

~Awards will be grab n' go and published to tabroom; we will not have a mass assembly 

~All scheduling, pairing, etc will be done through tabroom; there will NOT be paper schedules and pairings printed or distributed 


Entry heirarchy:

~We plan to have community judges and be in person; to facilitate this, we have capped entries at a lower than usual rate;  currently, teams may begin with up to 4 entries; extras will be distributed the week of the tourney 

~First pref on entries goes to Flint Hills District schools

~Second is regional schools (Topeka, Lawrence, KCK and surrounding areas)

~Third is everyone else! 

~Extras will be distributed according to the same formula



Please email the tourney director,, with any questions/concerns