Strake Jesuit Public Forum Round Robin

2021 — Houston, TX/US

PFRR Information


We are excited to host our 5th annual PF Round Robin. To reinforce our history of excellent competition, we have decided to implement unique standards for our tournament that will enhance the quality of the PFRR experience for our competitors, judges, and coaches.

1. All rounds are subject to include judging from either our TDC partners or our PF judging pool to ensure that every round is adjudicated by individuals with a strong debate background.

2. Grand Crossfire will be eliminated to ensure that no round loses focus of the most important issues in the debates.

3. Each team will be pre-assigned to a side before prelim rounds to allow the opportunity for our competitors to experience every angle of the topic.

4. Traditional speaking orders – affirmative speaking first and negative speaking second – will be upheld to encourage competitors to showcase strategic and technical talent.

5. Elimination rounds will be side locked only for teams debating each other for the second time to guide argumentation from both sides of the resolution.

6. Students have the option of using our Mutual Judge Preference feature on Tabroom if they have preferences on judges in our pool (“Prefs” tab).

7. Given the early start to the new topic, teams will be allotted 4 mins of prep time in rounds

8. We will use the January 2022 NSDA PF topic, Resolved: The United States federal government should legalize all illicit drugs.  

9. Hybrid rounds: if one of the competing teams is attending our tournament virtually, the round will be conducted virtually even if the other team is in-person