Harvard Westlake MSPDP Debates

2022 — Online, CA/US

Welcome to the Harvard-Westlake MSPDP Tournament. 

The tournament will be held online via Zoom on Monday, January 17 2022.

Links for Zoom and Tournament Bulletin will be posted here and emailed to coaches as we get closer to the tournament. 


States ought to prohibit employers from asking about a candidate's criminal history on job applications.

 Artificial Intelligence does more good than harm.


8:30am: Coaches must report to the tabroom that all of their competitors and judges are ready to go.
8:45am: Opening meeting for coaches, debaters, and judges in Tournament Zoom. Topic announcement. Judges should stay in Tournament Zoom while debaters are preparing for Round 1.
9:00am: Round 1 Prep Start
9:20am: Round 1
10:30am: Round 1 Ballots Due
10:45am: Round 2 All Report to main Zoom/Pairing Release
11:05am: Round 2
11:15am: Round 2 Ballots Due
12:00pm: Round 3 All Report to main Zoom/Pairing Release
12:20pm: Round 3
1:30pm: Round 3 Ballots Due
1:45pm: Round 4 All Report to main Zoom/Pairing Release
2:05pm: Round 4
3:15pm: Round 4 Ballots Due
3:45pm: Awards - Main Zoom


Registration opens: 12/14 @ 12:00pm
Registration deadline: 1/10 @ 12:00pm
Judge entry due: 1/14 @ 12:00pm
* Everyone needs to have the latest version of Zoom so they can put themselves in breakout rooms. 
* All judges must have their own tabroom account.
* Heckling will only be allowed during the third speech for "new argument." Judges should give speaker point consequences for teams that falsely claim their opponent is making a new argument. 
* We will allow teams of 2 in the instance where a school does not have a number of debater divisible by three.
* Schools must have the required number of judges to cover their obligation for EVER ROUND. Judges should not ask the tabroom for rounds off. If judges need a round off, they should communicate with their school's coach who will communicate with the tabroom. Requests will be denied if the school does not have the ability to cover their obligation for that round.