Palm Classic

2022 — NSDA Campus, CA/US

Mandatory Squad Confirmation Form Process

*** 2022 Palm Classic Squad Confirmation Form Status Tracker ***


Here is the link to the 2022 Palm Classic Squad Confirmation Form


In an effort to increase the quality of the tournament experience for all attendees, to more clearly communicate various critical tournament policies & procedures, and to speed up the e-registration verification process (on Friday 2/11) we have instituted a formal “Pre-Tournament Squad Confirmation” procedure.  The form has a few different pages that will be offered to you depending on your responses to a variety of important questions.

Every squad’s coordinator must complete two distinct phases of the Squad Confirmation Form process, which is done by filling out a Google Form that we’ve put together:


  1. Initial registration/entry detailsmust be submitted at the time of initial entry into the tournament, more specifically at the time you agree to the disclaimer

    • To pass the disclaimer, you are agreeing that you must complete the Squad Confirmation Process - it is linked from the disclaimer for your convenience.

    • We will not clear any of a squad’s entry into the tournament if they have not submitted the initial phase of the Squad Confirmation Form.

  2. Finalized entry verificationmust be completed no later than 11:59pm on Wednesday, February 9th

    • This final phase of the Squad Confirmation Form is where you review key policies that are relevant for the competition period itself and confirm your final entry details.

    • You will be asked to provide adult contacts for each day you have students competing.


Instructions for completing the Squad Confirmation Form:

  1. At the time of initial entry, begin completing the Squad Confirmation Form.

  2. You will proceed until section 8 where you are asked if you are ready to finalize your entry.  During the initial stage, you answer “no” to that question, which will then allow you to submit the form on the subsequent page.

  3. You will be emailed a receipt upon submission.  This receipt contains a link that you can use to return and edit your response at a later time.  Do not lose this email, as it is a simple way to complete the second part of the process.

  4. Until your entry is finalized, there is no further action to take with the Squad Confirmation Form, so long as you proceeded through section 8 and then submitted.

  5. When your entry is finalized, return to edit your earlier response.  This can be done by clicking the link that was emailed to you in your “response receipt,” or by returning to the form while signed in to the Google account you used to initially fill out the form.

  6. If anything has changed on your initial response, you may edit them, however, on what was previously the last page (section 8) you will change your answer to “yes” and hit next which will then take you to the final confirmation steps.

  7. Complete the remaining steps.


What will be asked in the form that I might not just know off of the top of my head / what do I need to know before completing the form?


Initial registration/entry details:

  • Tabroom info (please enter this exactly as it appears in Tabroom): squad name, contact name, contact email, entry # (from your invoice)

  • Head coach contact details (name, cell phone, email); the person ultimately responsible for your squad's overall entry

  • Classification of your squad as either a “school entry” or an “unaffiliated entry” & certification of that classification as correct

  • Review of critical tournament deadlines, policies & procedures in order to avoid any doubt later on in the registration process or the tournament itself

Finalized entry verification:

  • [unaffiliated entries only] to certify that you understand and have complied with your obligation to collect fully & properly completed parent/guardian letters for all students attending as a part of your squad and have uploaded them correctly via Tabroom.

  • The requirement to certify that you understand and have complied with your obligation to collect fully & properly completed Individual Waivers for all students attending as a part of your squad and have uploaded them correctly via Tabroom.

  • Name of the primary responsible adult chaperone & contact details (cell phone & email) in the event you have competitors still debating on Monday.

  • Review of e-registration requirements.

  • Review of agreement with a variety of critical tournament policies that some squads have been confused about in recent years.


Help, I don’t know what to do!  / general FAQs related to this process


Helpful tips that may be useful in completing the form:

  • In order to return to make later edits you’ll be required to be logged into a Google account (not necessarily a Gmail account).  If you do not have a Google account, you will be able to create one quickly. This is required to enable response editing.

  • When you complete and submit the form, you will be emailed a “receipt” that you should be sure to keep as you WILL need it again later!

  • If any details change (ex if you need to change the listed chaperone, or you add a student and therefore have another letter to submit), you may use the link that is included in your receipt email to return to your form submission and make any necessary edits.  DO NOT submit the form multiple times as this will create multiple entries that could have conflicting information!

I am the squad coordinator for more than one squad, but the form will only allow me to submit one time.  What should I do?

  • If you are the coordinator for more than one squad and thus need to submit the form more than one time, you must use a different Google account for each squad's submission.

  • We apologize for any inconvenience caused by needing to use multiple Google accounts, but we've chosen to prioritize having accurate submissions from all schools attending the tournament at the expense of a slight inconvenience for the handful of coaches who coordinate multiple squads and we certainly appreciate your understanding.

My school district email won't allow me to submit a Google Form / won't allow me to upload files via a Google Form, what do I do?

  • You don't have to submit from your district email if there are domain restrictions like this in place, any google account that allows you to submit is fine.  In this situation, please use a personal/other Google account for the form submission and you still are able to specify your school email as the proper contact channel when submitting form responses.