CCISD Middle School Tournament

2022 — Moody High School - Corpus Chri, TX/US

Event Description CCISD 2022

CCISD Middle School Speech & Design Tournament 

Contest Guidelines & Event Descriptions

General Requirements:

Students and parents may watch the student performances, but no one may enter or leave during a performance.  Students may not use any selection for more than one event and cannot use a selection that has been used by the contestant prior to the current school year.  Cross-entering is permitted.  Any student who is cross-entered must inform the judges in both sections.  There are no minimum time limits. All selections must be in good taste.  Judge’s decisions are final.


No profanity of any kind is permitted in any event. If students use profanity, rank them last in the room, note it on the ballot, and alert the Tab Room Supervisor. The student will be disqualified by the Tournament Director.  




Humorous or Dramatic Interpretation

HI & DI are monologues. They are memorized events for 1 actor where the student choses a piece, or part, of a story from 1 book or script and performs it by themselves. It can be one character or multiple characters. If multiple characters, each one must be distinct from the others with different mannerisms and voices. It can be one cohesive piece such as from a book of monologues, a particular scene from a book or script, or pieced together from a book or script.  Movement is allowed but no props, costumes, set pieces, or special makeup are allowed. The performance must include an original memorized introduction which gets the audience’s attention in just a few sentences and includes the title and author or playwright. Introductions can start with rhetorical questions or quotes from research or famous people. The material must be from a published source. All selections must be in good taste. Maximum performance time 10 minutes. 


Poetry Interpretation 

Poetry Interp is a non-memorized event for 1 actor. The student chooses either one long poem, or a selection of poems centered around a theme or central idea. The material must have literary merit with no cuttings of plays used. The selection is placed in a black binder and the student reads from there.  The poem(s) is performed using facial and bodily expression as well as hand/arm gestures but the feet remain still or have extremely limited movement only if absolutely necessary in the poem.  The performance includes an original memorized introduction which gets the audience’s attention in just a few sentences and includes the title and author. Introductions can start with rhetorical questions or quotes from research or famous people. The material must be from a published source. All selections must be in good taste. Maximum performance time 7 minutes

Prose Interpretation 

Prose Interp is a non-memorized event for 1 actor. The student choses a part of 1 story/novel/or book. The material must have literary merit with no cuttings of plays used.  The selection is placed in a black binder and the student reads from there.  The prose is performed using facial and bodily expression as well as hand/arm gestures but the feet remain still or have extremely limited movement only if absolutely necessary in the story.  The performance includes an original memorized introduction which gets the audience’s attention in just a few sentences and includes the title and author. Introductions can start with rhetorical questions or quotes from research or famous people. The material must be from a published source. All selections must be in good taste. Maximum performance time 7 minutes


Oral Reading (6th Grade ONLY)

Oral Reading is a non-memorized event for 1 actor, for 6th graders only. The student chooses either poetry or prose and performs it using the same rules listed above for the respective events. The material must have literary merit with no cuttings of plays used. The selection is placed in a black binder and the student reads from there.  The selection is performed using facial and bodily expression as well as hand/arm gestures but the feet remain still or have extremely limited movement only if absolutely necessary in the selection.  The performance includes an original memorized introduction which gets the audience’s attention in just a few sentences and includes the title and author. Introductions can start with rhetorical questions or quotes from research or famous people. The material must be from a published source. All selections must be in good taste. Maximum performance time 7 minutes


Duet Acting

Duet Acting is a memorized event for 2 actors. The students choose a part of a play, movie, or television show, and perform it. Must have the original script. It may be either humorous or dramatic. Time for presentation shall not exceed ten minutes. Each selection shall include an introduction which shall set the scene and mood and include the title and author of the work. Time for the introduction shall be included in the time limit. Violation shall result in an adverse effect on the team’s ranking in the round. The selection shall be memorized and presented without the use of physical objects (notes, props, hand props, or scenery) or costume. Two chairs will be allowed. The two chairs may be used to create atmosphere and environment. Violation shall result in being ranked last in the round. 


Original Oration (Modern Oratory)

Original Oratory is a speech written by the student with the intent to inform or persuade the audience on a topic of significance. Students deliver a self-written, ten-minute speech on a topic of their choosing. Original Oratory competitors craft an argument using evidence, logic, and emotional appeals. The speech is delivered from memory. Oratory gives students the unique opportunity to showcase their voice and passion for their topic. Topics range widely and students are welcome to choose from the current year’s UIL Modern Oratory topics. 

  1. Should the government be responsible for the homeless?

  2. Are nations doing enough to curb the threat of climate changE?

  3. Is the United States prepared to combat cyberterrorism?

  4. Would stricter gun laws make Texas schools safer?

  5. Should the amount of time a child spends on screens be limited?


Group Improvisation

Each Group draws three topics and is allowed one minute to choose one of the topics.  This is done one group at a time when it is their time to perform. The unused topics are returned to the judge. The performing group leaves the room for five minutes to prepare.  Each student should have a distinct character and all students are expected to contribute equally to the performance. Chairs available in the classroom may be used, up to one chair per person in the group. Three to five students participate in a group. A Verbal STOP must be provided by the judge or time-keeper at the end of 5 minutes and 30 seconds.  Five minute maximum performance time  

1 minute to choose topic

5 minutes to prepare

5 minutes to perform



Each student draws three topics and is allowed one minute to choose one of the topics.  This is done one at a time, when it is the student’s turn to perform. The two unused topics are returned to the judge.  After a three minute preparation period, the student gives the judge the written copy of the chosen topic, announces the title, and delivers the impromptu speech.  One 3”x5” index card may be used (student must bring card). A Verbal STOP must be provided by the judge or time-keeper at the end of 5 minutes and 30 seconds. Five minute maximum performance time.

1 minute to choose topic

3 minutes to prepare

5 minutes to perform


Informative Speaking

This event follows a speech pattern with an introduction, body, and conclusion, rather than a theatrical performance. The topic is chosen and prepared by the student. Each main point should explore a specific aspect of the topic. All claims should be backed up with evidence/research/quotes that verify the information the speaker is conveying. Visual aids may be used but are not required. The purpose of the event is to inform and educate the audience on a topic of the students choosing. Ten minute maximum. Speech is memorized. 



 Hand-Made Poster Design

  • Show displayed must be an actual play/musical.

  • Minimum size - 11x17; Maximum size - 22x28 (full poster board size). 

  • Poster must include the following:      

    • Some type of artwork representing the show

    • Show title & playwright

    • Place being performed

    • Times & dates

    • Ticket prices

    • Box office phone # fmi and/or reservations

  • 3-dimensional elements such as glitter, feathers, puff paint, etc… are NOT ALLOWED.

  • The poster must be entirely hand-made.

  • The poster should be neat and visually appealing. It should create interest in the show.

  • Student’s name, date, and school # must be on the back of the poster.

  • Do not write the school name anywhere on the poster.

  • Copyright laws apply.

    • All artwork/images must be altered in a significant way so as not to be a copy of the original.

    • A printed copy of the original poster MUST be attached to the back of the poster.


Computer Generated Poster Design

  • Show displayed must be an actual play/musical.

  • All posters must be - 8.5x11.

  • Poster must include the following:      

  • Some type of artwork representing the show

  • Show title & playwright

  • Place being performed

  • Times & dates

  • Ticket prices

  • Box office phone # fmi and/or reservations

  • 3-dimensional elements such as glitter, feathers, puff paint, etc… are NOT ALLOWED.

  • The poster must be entirely computer generated         

  • The poster should be neat and visually appealing. It should create interest in the show. Clipart is highly discouraged.

  • Student’s name, date, and school # must be on the back of the poster.

  • Do not write the school name anywhere on the poster.

  • Copyright laws apply.

  • All artwork/images must be altered in a significant way so as not to be a copy of the original.

  • A printed copy of the original poster MUST be attached to the back of the poster.


Costume Design

  • Character(s) represented must be from an actual play/musical.

  • The design must be in color (colored pencils are preferred, it is recommended that markers be used for outline and/or defining certain areas only, but it is the students choice as to what medium is used)

  • 2x2 inch fabric swatches must be supplied for all materials used.

  • May use the Male/Female Figure Outlines Templates as a guide making sure that no body lines show through the clothing.

  • Design must be mounted attractively on poster board.

  • The FRONT of the poster must include the following:

  • Play title

  • Playwright

  • Character name

  • Date

  • Designer’s signature (your signature)

  • Student’s name, date, and school # must be on the back of the poster.

  •  Do not write the school name anywhere on the poster.

  • Notes about the design may be attached or added to the design, but are not required.

  • A printed copy of the original poster MUST be attached to the back of the design. 


Set Design

  • Design must be from published play

  • Must utilize a shoebox or comparable size box – approximately 8”x18” wide, with 3 walls & floor.

  • No premade furniture may be used

  • On a separate paper student must provide the following:

  • Play Title

  • Playwright

  • One paragraph summary of show

  • Quote/line of dialogue from show that captures the feeling/mood.

  • Student’s name, date, and school # must be on the back of the design and on summary page.

  • Do not write the school name anywhere on the design or summary page.

  • A printed copy of the original design MUST be attached to the back or underside of the design.