Sanger High Big Questions Spring Invitational

2022 — Online, CA/US

Sanger High School presents the Big Questions Spring Invitational!

Welcome ALL! This tournament is open to all schools who wish to provide their students with more practice or an opportunity to try a new style of debate. While we are only offering one division at this time, new competitors are welcomed and encouraged to participate. 

Some Tournament Details:

Events & Location

We are only offering Big Questions debate in this tournament. (Sanger looks forward to providing opportunities for speech and debate events over the summer. Check back soon for more information)

Resolution: On balance, societies benefit from religious belief and practice.

Competitors will compete in 3 rounds. Rounds will be power matched after Round 1 - Round 1 will be randomly paired. Placement will be based on seeding at the end of Round 3. We will issue certificates of placement in lieu of trophies. NSDA rules are being observed for this event. All rounds will be live, online, and will be using Zoom. 

Judges and Fees:

To keep costs low and ensure this tournament is accessible to all school interested, we ask for $20.00 contribution per school. There are no individual student entry fees or entry limits. However, we ask that schools please support the tournament by meeting their individual judge obligations. Schools who do not provide enough judges will need to drop or reduce their entry. We appreciate your understanding!


All times are in PST time. 

Wednesday 5/18
Round 1 - 4:30 pm
Round 2 - 5:30 pm
Round 3 - 6:30 pm