The Falcon Classic Clear Lake Tompkins TFA IQT Swing

2022 — Katy, TX/US

Debate Topics (updated with WSD topics)

Lincoln-Douglas Debate (BOTH novice as well as championship) will use the NSDA 2022 November/December topic (Resolved: The People’s Republic of China ought to prioritize environmental protection over economic growth.)

Public Forum Debate will use the NSDA 2022 November/December topic (Resolved: The United States’ strategy of Great Power Competition produces more benefits than harms.)

Cross-Examination Debate will use the NFHS 2022-2023 topic: Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its security cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in one or more of the following areas: artificial intelligence, biotechnology, cybersecurity.

World Schools Debate will utilize prepared motions for Rd 1 (THW ban lethal autonomous weapons.), Rd 2 (THW remove veto power from permanent members on the UN Security Council.), Quarters (THS mandatory voting in national elections.), and finals (THS privatized asteroid mining.). Rd 3 and semis will be impromptu motions.

Congressional Debate will use different legislation on the two halves of the swing with all of it coming from the TFA Fall docket. For the Lake (TOC) side: prelims will be 6-10, semis will be 11-15, and finals will be 16-20. For the Tompkins (TFA) side: prelims will be 16-20, finals will be 11-15.