Capitol Congress

2022 — Austin, TX/US

General Information

11th Annual Austin Capital Congressional Debate Tournament

General Information

Entry Information:
- There is an overall cap for a total of 175 students for this Tournament.
- Each school may enter up to 8 students. Additional students can be placed
  on the waitlist and we will accept additional students as space permits.

- There are entry limits within each of the three divisions Senate (max of 2
  from each school), House (max of 6 from each school), and Novice (max of
  2 from each school).
- Awards to Top 8 in each division
- Each division will have a preliminary round in the morning and a finals
  chamber in the afternoon.
- Breaks will be announced at 1:00pm outside of the Tabroom.
- Overall Sweeps Award to 1st Place and 2nd Place Schools
- Every student advancing to Finals in the House, Senate, and Novice earns
  a Medal
- Entry fee is just $25 per student!


Senate Entry Information:
~ Each school can register up to 2 students for the Senate.
~ Each Preliminary Chamber will have 20 debaters.
~ Top 6 from each preliminary chamber will break to Finals
~ The Finals Chamber will have18 debaters.
~ Awards to Top 8 (Top 3 get LARGE Specialty Gavels. Place 4-8 get regular size
~ Plaque to Top PO in Senate; can be in addition to a top 8 Place gavel.
   House Entry Information:
~ Each school can register up to 6 students in the House.
~ Each Preliminary Chamber will have 20 debaters.
~ Top 5 from each preliminary chamber will break to the House Finals.
~The House Finals will have 20 debaters.
~ Awards to Top 8 (Top 3 get Large Specialty Gavels. Place 4-8 get regular size gavels)
~ Plaque to Top PO in House; can be in addition to a top 8 Place gavel.


Novice Entry Information:
~ Must be a first year Forensics Student. To be clear, this means this is the students
   first year in speech and debate, NOT first year doing Congressional Debate only.
~ Each Preliminary Chamber will have 20 students each.

~ Top 8 from each preliminary chamber will break to the Novice Finals Chamber.
~ Goal is 16 students in Finals
~Awards to Top 8, all regular size gavels.


Sweepstakes and Awards:
We will be using the following point system to determine sweepstakes:
1st Place – 15 points
2nd Place – 12 points
3rd Place – 10 points
4th Place – 8 points
5th Place – 6 points
6th Place – 4 points

All three divisions, Senate, House, Novice, will count towards overall point totals for
sweeps. We will be awarding a Top PO award in the Senate and House yet this
distinction will not carry any point value.


Notes for coaches, students, judges, parents:
~Postings for Finals will be outside of TAB at 1:00
~ Chamber orders can be found outside the Chamber rooms and at Registration. Please reference the attached room
   chart. Each division will have a preliminary round in the morning and a finals chamber in the afternoon.
~ Overall Sweeps Award to 1st Place and 2nd Place Schools
~ The Capitol Grill is located across from the Auditorium on Extension 1 at (E1.002) Please do not plan to leave the
    building during lunch. Getting back through security at the Capitol Building can take quite long and rounds will not be
    held for you.
~Internet access is allowed in Congressional Debate. Internet accessibility is NOT provided but must be from the
   students own personal internet account or hot-spot. HOWEVER, internet can be sketchy as the Extension of the Capitol,
   where the debate chambers are located, is underground. We cannot guarantee in any way, that your students will have
   access to a good signal in the chambers in which they will compete. Students cannot be conversing with other
   students, coaches, visitors, spectators, on their computer by internet during the debate.
~Ballots can be picked up in TAB after the preliminary rounds are complete and the finals rounds have been posted.
   Ballots will be in your school folder in TAB. Final rounds ballots will be available on-stage at the Award Ceremony for
   pick up.

Thank you for attending the 11th Annual Austin Capitol Congressional Debate Tournament!

Please contact Brian, Donna, or Jimmy with any questions or comments.

Brian D. Alford, MLA                    Donna Szumila                            Jimmy Smith
A&M Consolidated HS                THEO Christian Solutions, Inc.   Callisburg High School
979-764-5500 ext. 6184              214-587-1127 C